Mpango wa kando

I just love the way my mpango wa kando lady is so mature …she never calls me" beb"… She text something like " coach is there practice today" …badala ya “beb are we meeting today”

For this and other jokes text cheka to 551

Pesa zako zitaliwa vi silent till ur Bank account mbalance is at Subzero!


nv jinga

Ebu niulizie Kwa huyo[SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)] MPANGO WA KANDO [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE=4]kama ako Na siz single.[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Haha @uwesmake bibi amekukalia chapat siku hizi unaingia ktalk masaa ya malaya na wezi

chini ya woyes

Wote huwanza hivyo then they turn psycho ! Talikng from experience they all say no strings attached they just want good dick kidogo ur causing a scene outside bar akisema you have wasted 1 year of her life !!! Best is ka na bibi ama enda pale river road once in while to vent your demons !!



leta hekaya :smiley: :smiley:

Wewe ndio ulikua umeanikwa Kilimani ati unatokanga kwa nyumba 4am kukimbia but unaenda morning glory kwa kunguru? :D:D:D

Why commit adultery?

