Mpaka Deputy anahama?

Kweli JSKS and JSKM wako taabani…



Raila ajiapishe sasa! No need of going all the way to the polls! Nimekubali ameshinda tayari!


Click on that F thing’i

@Berlin Oxford on suicide watch

Hii si ni kutumiwa mbaya??

They printed this banner probably outside Kenya and @Sura Ngumu scrambled to get to and lift it up for free or for 200bob.

What softened your heart.The pitch with which you were shouting Hustla,Ruto was so clear

Wacha ufala.

@Soprano is an old fox. He can read the writings on the wall.

He’s being sarcastic.

If Jambasi sugu is so confidence of his votes in the mountain, mbona anacampain for the 3748548th time, esp following wherever Karua goes?

He’ll cope by peeping at folk having sex in his rented mabati:D:D



Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta Is A Political Genius.... - News & Politics - Kenya Talk

List of prominent allies who left Raila Odinga… …

  1. William Ruto
  2. Musalia Mudavadi
  3. Najib Balala
  4. Josphat Nanok
  5. Amason Kingi
  6. Salim Mvurya
  7. Miguna Miguna
  8. William ole Ntimama (rip)

The way Azimio celebrate miniscule and ridiculously bogus achievements is truly appalling! Who can honestly say that they were truly aware eti Kipruto arap Kirwa was anybody before today? Ama it is big news coz someone is dumping Ruto for Raila instead of the other way round? Yeah!

UDA is dead . Ruto ni mwizi

