MP PROVES THAT THE AGE OF QUACKS IS HERE: He studied a bachelor degree in Medicine and a Bachelor degree in Surgery : Only in KE254


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Last week, in a local daily, Kenyans were treated to yet another ‘inspiring’ story of David Ole Sankok, a legislator living with disability who allegedly overcame all odds to go to ‘medical school’ and become a ‘surgeon’ and who eventually got nominated to Parliament.

Over the past few years, this particular legislator has given many interviews in which he claims to have medical qualifications.

He also says he was a surgeon at a hospital. Many have believed the man and he is widely referred to as ‘daktari’, the Kiswahili honorific for a doctor.

Those of us who are registered medical and dental practitioners in Kenya have long known that the man is not a doctor of any stripe, and we have on numerous occasions tried to correct media houses that run with these misleading stories.

As a result of this, when the latest story was published, we thought it was just lazy journalism.


However, on checking this legislator’s profile on the National Assembly website, it was clearly indicated that he studied for a “Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery” degree at the University of Nairobi.

While such a degree is obviously non-existent in this country, it comes close enough to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree offered by medical schools.

Why would such a high-profile Kenyan persist in misrepresenting himself so? The answer to this question is emblematic of a quintessentially Kenyan attitude; because he can.

Indeed, when it was pointed out on social media that the legislator was not a medical doctor, many commentators initially argued that he had definitely been to medical school, and eventually wondered why this misrepresentation was such a big deal yet he was not treating patients.

They considered it a harmless prank. The MP is a hero to many, despite his obvious deception, and should anyone initiate moves to strip him of his State Office for openly flouting Chapter Six of the Constitution, he will have multitudes of supporters who will explain his malfeasances away.


Anyone going down the path of justice will be considered his political enemy and be dismissed as being jealous of his success.

All this will be tolerated because we have accepted and entrenched a culture of anything goes, in which you can do anything and get away with it.

Indeed, the more brazen one is, the more powerful he is considered to be. Integrity means nothing to us, and charlatanry is the order of the day in most of our enterprises.

Experts are dismissed with contempt, and ‘miracle workers’ are glorified.

This dominated legislator is the clearest demonstration yet that Kenya has finally ascended to the pinnacle of quackery, where every passing mountebank can ascend to the highest office.

As long as we tolerate such obvious conmanship, we must not pretend to aspire to any higher ideal than bare survival.

Lukoye Atwoli is Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Dean, Moi University School of Medicine; [email protected]

As long as we tolerate such obvious conmanship, we must not pretend to aspire to any higher ideal than bare survival. This f-ucker dominated legislator is the clearest demonstration yet that Kenya has finally ascended to the pinnacle of quackery, where every passing mountebank can ascend to the highest office

This is absolutely fucked up

Btw lukoye na hio clout yake yote bado ana tumia gmail

Waititu graduated having never gone to India. No online presence then. Joho /Sonko similar stories. PHD when you are a Vp. And you were never an elite student. Impossible is the possible in Kenya.

Mimi ni professor wa Algebraic Topology with degrees from UON, Harvard and Stanford. My PhD thesis was on the mathematical value of zero.

Waititu was in India before he got his passport. Must have gone to Malindi and located the Vasco da gama pillar from whence he swam to India for his studies.

Nimesoma na nikaelewa. But Lukoye ajipe shughuli tu. Hiyo yoote amesema hapo amepigia mbuzi guitar. WaKenya sasa hivi wako kwenye topics zingine tofauti sana na it is most probable kua hii ni non issue kwao!

And of course you can see evidently how with his quack qualifications he is handling the business of Kiambu County infamously ranked at 43 almost a failed County.

The impunity and corruption being perpetrated by people in power is mind boggling. When you exhaust all legal avenues of seeking justice, the options left are usually to lay down and die or fight by any means available.We elected clowns who are thieves too! Sad we have to get here.

“My Lord,My client Naftali was in the company of Ivy who was the girlfriend when a group of unknown people attacked them killing Ivy on the spot, leaving him with injuries ~
The axe in question was never in possession of my client~”

Lawyer Cliff Ombeta.


This is how revolutions start, with contempt and hate of abusive authority

What of “DR.” Evans Kidero, the well educated pharmacist?

Watu wa Kiambu walisema eti Kabogo alikuwa anawafanyia kazi poa but anatukana wamama suruali zao. So to punish him, they decided to elect Waititi. Talk of taking poison to spite your neighbours and waiting for the rats in the house to die.

And Billionaire thief

I don’t think if integrity and diligence are a function of formal education or lack of it. It they were, how then do you explain the disaster that has been Dr. Kidero, Prof. Swazuri, Dr. Muraguri, Dr. Kamau Thugge et all?

This is what happens in a society that does not value moral uprightness. If this story is true - I have never heard of that guy - he should be in jail.

We’ve learnt our f-ucking lesson or have we

Good for you but remember, bado 3 plus years of shafting.

I tend to think that the middle class/upper class of Kenya are somewhat detached or cocooned from the harsh effects brought about by constant and consistent corruption and impunity. This group is the one that won’t board the bandwagon of dissent, but yet have most to lose and are best positioned to do something impactful about our condition.

You’ll be surprised the number of ordinary Kenyans saying things like “punda imechoka”… Chuka incident was a barometer of sorts. But middle class is somewhat oblivious and has the proverbial ostrich head in the sand.

When we see people react extremely and deal with things emotionally, (men killing their families and then committing suicide) or the chuka incident, we tend to see it as an isolated incident that only happens far away. We then speculate in the comfort of our homes on what could’ve driven the men to such acts of madness. But Chuka is right square in our Mt kenya doorstep.

These stories are gradually increasing and spreading like little Bush fires in a very dry Savannah. It is not incitement, it is observation. And if you have your finger on kenya’s pulse, there are many worrying palpitations.

No, you’ve said quack qualifications lead to bad leadership but what of Kidero who was well educated but still looted and plundered like crazy?

Lillian Omolo the NYS thug, holds a Master of Education Degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Illinois, USA as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Kenyatta University, but she looted kabisa.

So, masomo doesn’t always mean that someone will be a honest good leader.


We voted Kidero with hope that an intellectual will change things in politics. We have never recovered from the consequences of our choice!