Moving to a single mothers house

Niaje MTU wa Kaggz?

kenja ni nini vaite

Hio nitaleta …

Respect mzee wa kijiji

Why do today men not love spending more time in kikao ya fellow men? Today men love spending more time with women and its all tears. I remember in the village years ago which happens even today, after work from 4pm, it was time for men to spend time with men until late hrs. Siku hizi men love spending all their free time with women, with no time for kikao ya wanaume and you can see the results of the kind of men we have - hekaya after hekaya

Mamii, this is an open forum. So, get what you think is good for you and leave the rest. Of course we don’t give advice on facts, FICTION all the way.

Wooi wooi. Pole for those that take everything on board.