NVs wenye hutusiwa kila uchao. Jipigeni moyo konde. Ukiandikiwa “Upuss” hapo chini kuna fala amespend time na bundles zake.
by the way kuambiwa upuss si kutukanwa…ni kuambiwa “up your systems(game)”…
@Kicheche ungeongeza “no pun” hapo nyuma ya “upuss”…
Motivational Monday, there was this motivational speaker who told us we should all be excited its Monday…MoneyDay he called it, bloody hell.
ati ki?
thanks. nimetengeneza…it’s the monday thing…
hahahah…excuses everywhere…howdy sir!!
Kila mtu alitusiwa hapa…infact these guys are getting it easy. Nilitusiwa klost hadi the day hawakunitusi niliwauliza is how? Kuna time niliitwa mshuto wa waititu bana
Mimi wameniita shimale, homo, gay, upussy, etc.
And I still get sleep.
not bragging but I’ve never had such a situation, i guess it’s coz the quality of my content is usually Heaven Level
Mimi klist niliweka hekaya as a new villager, nikaingiliwa, nijatukanwa. Kwanza Red 1 Scarlet aliniingilia nikabooeka, nikakasirika hadi nika delete my very first klist account. I scanned the site as a guest for months. Later on i realized he was just an ordinary troll who never wanted to lose an argument and a Google intellect. I rejoined with Unicorn handle and I just had to develop a thick skin. New villagers wasikubali kusumbuliwa na ma trolls hapa.
Humble brag big time:D
…and u still eat your githeri with ghee :D:D:D:D:D:D
Umekutana na @Wakanyama he is the village e-goon
howdy, its bright in nyeri, we can’t complain…
hmmm . upussy!
You are in Nyeri? Come hapa law courts i buy you breakfast.
thanks. ninakimbia ka appointment ka ten chaka till one…how long in Nyeri?
ooh great…mombasa ni joto ni kama shetani anawank na gasoline…
I will be gone by one. Oh well next time…
I thought ni mimi peke yangu.:D:D:D:D:D:D