
ii karata hawaTomboi…

Pompeo was there last week,. Conspiracy theorists KAZI kwenyu.

What about Mosad ?

wameMada io ngamia

Utafanya @patco ,@T.Vercetti wanikamie bana,cheza ki chini

Is it me ama other people are also seeing this ?
countries are taking sides in a soon to come major war
the big question is
which side will our leaders choose to support ?
and who will the victors be ?

Things are happening that remind me of the 20th century happenings.
There’s a pandemic going on, there’s rumors of a major way(might happen depending on sterner aggressions), there’s a depression(bado inapiga pushups tu).
The more things change,
The more they remain the same.

The only suspect if there has to be one is the PRC.

Red flag you mean ?

Message sent and received by the intended recipient, probably was up to some serious espionage in the zionist land

Yap. Mossad. The question is, why?