In 1984, Morrocco left the AU after Western Sahara, which it governs joined AU. In 1987, their request to join the EU was rejected because they’re an African nation. In 2017, they rejoined AU & asked to join West Africa’s ECOWAS & Southern Africa’s COMESA
[I]* Morocco is not even a West African state, Let alone COMESA eligible.
- Didn’t they Try to join the EU and got rejected ?
- What size is Morocco’s economy again ?
- Other than Sand, what other thing does Morocco have ? Don’t tell me super speed trains please[/I]
In 2004, Morocco refused to vote for South Africa to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup & against SA’s 2023 Rugby World Cup bid.
Morocco refused to host the 2015 AFCON due to the Ebola crisis, then hosted the Club World Cup.
During their bid to host the world cup, they reffered to it as a “European World cup on African soil”. Tha ferk is wrong with these sand n***ers ?
These mudasuccas are trying to rejoin the AU while still occupying an African Union Member State, the Sahrawi Republic.
This is a case of Superiority complex + Identity Crisis + Cognitive Dissonance
Prior to Moroccan Invasion, the Songhai Empire was one of the richest and most prosperous Black African Empires ever, being a successor to the former Mali Empire ruled by Mansa Musa. Morrocans invaded and couldn’t keep it in business, in effect turning it into a weak mess ripe for french Invasion. The French came in and ferked the place up. One May ask, if Songhai was so prosperous, why did it fall to Morrocan Barbarians ? Well, Songhai Was Rich in Minerals and Knowledge. They focused on Books, Universities, arts and crafts, while the Barbarians focused on Killing.
Morrocans are not your friends
Icing Pon di Cake
11 African nations voted against their 2026 World Cup bid.
[li]South Africa,[/li][li]Guinea,[/li][li]Liberia,[/li][li]Benin,[/li][li]Sierra Leone,[/li][li]Botswana,[/li][li]Lesotho,[/li][li]Mozambique,[/li][li]Namibia,[/li][li]Cape Verde,[/li][li]Zimbabwe[/li][/ul]
Where is my motherland when you need it ?
My Deductions…Morroco, take that one and [SIZE=6][FONT=courier new]shove [/FONT][/SIZE]it up your rear, I aint having none of your isht, cyka blyat
FYI, that spelling mistake for the name Morroco is deliberate, ferk them. Wakanda Forever