@Bingwa Scrotum unasumbua
Hii mambo ya Polyandry cannot work in our paternal headed households.
I only see sisters getting married to the same man.
a cousin lost his wife newly married to a road accident, had a young kid.was offered younger sister, it was weird but heard its kosher in Kikuyu culture. He told them no.
Watu wanaenda kanisa. Wewe unafikiria mti tu.
ShirHoe you need a good dick!
I didn’t get the question, but my handle’ll have to do.
Kwani @cortedivoire alikuachia Kazi ya POLLS?
Aiiiiigh!!! Ma bro wanaeza aje vamia jike moja ata ww? Na Shiroe unakuanga na ka umeffi! Unaeza aje nivuta p8 alafu hunijibungi?
am planning on marrying twin sisters…wote wako sawa and we are so into each other.
Threesome it will always be.Hope u have all that energy