I know, I’m the last person you expected to be posting such a thread but I want to tell you something positive today sio kila siku banter na insults…
Cliche but it here it goes… I know don’t know what patch of life you’re in right now but trust me it gets better… We all have our problems some are being evicted because of rent, others have sick relatives in hospitals, others have no money to pay for their kid’s fee, another person has just discovered he has cancer, another person has lost his mom, a parent somewhere has buried her daughter… It’s a roller coaster, It’s life! It’s seasons are ever changing, one time you’re laughing the other you’re crying.
For those who are down at this moment, the future is bright trust me, you’re down the only direction you can move is ^^… If there’s one thing I have learned about life is the power of BELIEF… Believe in yourself you will turn this around
For those who are up, enjoy the moments… This is what you’ve worked for, all the time you put in, all the effort has finally resulted in what you’re going through right now… Ever wondered why you work so hard??? How do you reward your body??? How do you unwind and let loose??? Ama ni savings mpaka ufe?? Enjoy in the way you know best!!
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, yes I’m 35 I live in a rented house and my savings are under 500k, that’s what you tell yourself everyday! You never pause to ask yourself how many have died with their billions??? Man if you have good health, you take decent meals and are able to provide shelter and clothing for your family you’re good mengine ni majaliwa
Most importantly I want you to enjoy the small things today; the 'nagging sales people who always approach you, our matatu culture, mamamboga, things that are truly Kenyan
I once saw an inmate being interviewed and he was one of those Ol G’s in the prison and he was asked what is the one thing you miss the most?? Dude said he missed freedom then a thought crossed his mind and he said it had been 15 years since he had seen a tree, and he shed tears
Enjoy today! Tomorrow is not promised… A message to each and every one of you…
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