Monkey business

We were told to boycott Bob Colimore products and in our memory lapses we are now on the front line heapin praises to him.

You are one of the fools who were putting scissors to their safcom sim cards?

You mean you followed TMT’s Monkey Business? You need players flom the labbish pliest …

Watu wa Babu yule Baboon (Babuon, coined by FMCP in 2016) are fearfully made…


Fucked up politicians

All followers of Raira Ujinga are brainless cunts!

Raira ni nugu sana and his supporters use semen instead of brains.

Daaaamnnn man!!! Calm your titties!!


Handshake means forgetting all the shit you placed on the latrine hole and then pushed it inside like Ninja with the heel?