the case has collapsed. it will collapse on technicalities. polisi wananunua time, they want to add more suspects, main suspects, will hit dead end. keys not found, knife not found. moto ya nyasi. shitsystem
Si uwasaidie kutafuta jameni… Mimi Niko hapa grogon natafuta keys…
Hii story haijawahi isha??
Wacha kiherehere[ATTACH=full]199237[/ATTACH]
moto ya nyasi. itazimika tu.
I always post facts sio kukimbia tu huku na hujui kinacho endelea nguruba.
The big question is ,who is this guy “businessman” Brian Kasaine?
Prominent people in govt were pushing for Maribe to be state witness.
They even sponsored some articles in the media saying Maribe had thrown her fiance under the bus ,she had flipped and was willing to spill the beans etc
What interests me is how Brian Kasaine turned the tables on Jackie Maribe?
It seems at the end of the day ,Brian Kasaine had powerful godfathers who just cannibalized Jackie to save him.
Evidence ama upunguze muharo news
@pamba , of all people , go through events since the murder .
Maribe was destined to be state witness, the only way she could be saved.
Something happened that changed everything
Umesoma vizuri hio brief ya haji?
Guys acting like legal analysts yet they could be clerks in a hotel.
people sponsored the above articles to push for the agenda, to save Maribe.
Something happened, Brian Kasaine turned the tables on Maribe and her godfathers and became state witness.
@pamba and @gashwin , who is this guy “businessman” Brian Kasaine?
Looks like you are relying on a journalists view of things. And the journalist is not privy to any evidence collected. He is just theorizing.
Your handle is very suspicious are you straight like a normal talker,tuanzie hapo .
Wachana Na muharo news brathe.
Yeah, kitu nauliza ni kulikuwa na mwanya kidogo ya kum okoa Maribe , the only way was for her to be a state witness, something happened, Brian Kasaine beat her and her godfathers.