
Working for a rich person is the shittiest thing you can ever do in this world. To him you are like a tissue paper. He can use you anyway he wants to. You are literally a slave to him…

What I have noticed with rich people is that they want you to do things according to their ways not the normal way of doing things. They also hate binding contracts. Most contracts are verbal ukileta kichwa ama ukatae kitu unaambiwa you get fired on the spot. They also dont take suggestions from employees. Your suggestion is as good as dead. Whats worse is if the rich person is a woman. My friend just resign early unafutwa kama ghasia. Emotions galore. Anaeza amka leo akuambie uoshe choo yet you are a teacher ukikataa unaambiwa beba vitu zako enda na usiwai rudi tena. A friend of mine was once sacked early in the morning. Jamaa ako juu ya nduthi akapigiwa simu akaambiwa mahali ako ageuke na iyo nduthi arudi nyumbani. He got sacked for refusing to wash the toilets yet there were workers who did that job. Man eat man society!

Majamaa tafuteni pesa yenu manze. Ikiwezekana fungua biashara yako.

@Azor Ahai over to you!

Leta hekaya not parables

:smiley: huyo “my friend” tunajua ni @tall mnyama everywhere alikataa kuosha Choo.

siezi osha choo na kuna watu wa kufnya hiyo kazi…

bado unaishi kwa mathe?

Osha Choo wacha misemo

Kwani @Azor Ahai amekuwa prefect wa Kenyatalk?

Endesha Premio ya muhindi bila kusumbua talkers. chieth

A Friend of mine tagline kijiji tulikubaliana unanimously ni polite way of refering to yourself.

Its because people let themselves to be treated like so,weather its desperation or lack of choice it all comes down to the person . If its gets toasty in the kitchen…

Translation: “A friend of mine” = @tall mnyama everywhere

I had two rich clients a while back. Best guys I ever worked with. Moja ata nilikua naenda kwake kumsaidia kujenga very hardworking guys both of them full of insane amounts of knowledge and they were both very very generous. Acha nirudi Kenya and you immediately realize the difference. Day two of landing here na pale petrol station a guy with a lexus is busy shouting at one of the workers that he missed a spot on his window. Last week nikiwa hoteli Fulani a guy in a suit walks in from his land cruiser exuding metric tons of arrogance and proceeds to immediately bark at the waiters while eyeing the room in an exaggerated manner, I guess trying to impress everyone there.

Massive wealth disparity here fosters an elitism of sorts. Most wakipata pesa they can now afford as well as access what is out of reach for the common folk and so arrogance kicks in and they become condescending to those they deem below them. Unaona ameanza madharau ndogo ndogo. Our society actually encourages that because that wealth now comes with power.

One of the few things I liked about Australia is that things are in general quite standardized. There is almost nothing you can buy that your neighbour can’t buy if they really want to. So huko ata uyo mtu wa kuosha choo vile unasema anapewa heshima pia because you’re no different to them.

Upuss … mfanya kazi lazima hatii ama aende. No two ways about it. Hapa kwa ranch nikisema pick up the cow poop , my friend you have to. I don’t give a shit wether ur the manager, herder, milking guy, cleaning guy … or whatever. Niggers gotta know who’s Boss. Otherwise they’ll shit on u.

I wont do it. Sack me if you want to.

@tall mnyama everywhere piga deki kwa lavatory bila kulialia ovyoovyo.
io ni madhara ya kuishi na mamako ukiwa 30 years

Then off you go. Don’t get me wrong tho’ … I treat my guys exceptionally well, humanely I think. I give them decent pay compared to industry standards, allowances, bonuses etc. But I demand absolute respect and loyalty. I tell you something …you do it, do not question my judgement.

Hata picha ya wallaby.

Unajishuku ulikosea mkubwa that’s why you have to post this here ndio upate validation that your decision was right. Uliharibia muhindi choo ama ni nini?

Tunajua ni wewe. Meffi

Pole mnyambo for your loss utapata job ingine… Ongea na @chap akuintroduce huko Patels bakery