Hope you all having a blessed week.
Niko na story hapa which i felt i should share.
I met this luo babe who is well endowed,natural and beautiful sometimes back in some gathering.
chats,calls,texting became the norm plus several meetings when she confessed she is head over hills with me even after explaining am married.
The furthest i have gone is to kiss her which i deeply regret though she melted all the way.
Fast forward,One Saturday i get call inviting me at some bash which i gladly turned down since that’s the day Veve marathon kicks off with the boys as usual.
That night my pal who attended the bash calls and informs me that the husband to be has turned up furious and worked up asking for Madova,
Who is this madova who has been flirting with my wife to be kumbe all along the time the guy has been tracking her chats.:eek:
Hell breaks loose according to my source and tempers flare up with the lady admitting to all and sundry that he loves me more than the husband to be who is the father of one kid which i learnt later.
The guy complained that i want to break his family which was never my intention at all since i was never briefed.
It didn’t go down well the guy even broke down but was comforted by those who know me well that am just a friend.
Last week the family meets up in Nai for the family introduction things in preparation for marriage.
All along i have distanced myself from her but she kept on calling me saying the guy should not a ring without me dry frying her.Am still lost for words till now.
Last night she was travelling back while i was with the boys watching Liverpool being dry-fried by Newcastle,a call comes through and the lady ask for a favor to be dropped at her home once she arrives in town.
And am like how comes she didn’t call me when she was leaving Nai?
After some calculations and consulting the boys we all agreed No way.
As write these i have received seven texts why asking why i refused or ignored her texts and calls last night.
The question is what the hell does she want with me?:oops:
she wants dry fry nothing else
anataka tu kudinywo…i hope.
anataka mboro mgeni so the guy is still going to put a ring on it? asikue philospher twelve months down the line then he starts bombarding other guys with sob stories
it was the jamaa trying to bait you…if you had gone you would have been dry-fried as the chic watches.
Tomba yeye shot moja ya ufala
Unaitwa Na manzi Una opt veve Na ma boys?
Mzae naogopa sana hii riba.
Nugu wewe i write the way i want go wank if it hurts you.
Gathee,Hii maneno hapana wesa bibi ya msee jo.
Mzae ndo nashidwa pia i wonder whether the shit will work for her.
I have droped her home countless of time after boozing the whole night,she is quite a fish.
Buda kuna vile world war 3 ingeanza since alikuwa na jeshi pia.Hii hata nikiwa na 100ft pole sitaki.
Najua wewe hauwezi samehea hata kidogo.
:D,Gharama za kuagiza veve kutoka Maua to Kampala wazijua kweli na vile hiyo day ilikuwa maini.
mbos ushaikaliwa pocha ukajisahau ebu toka nduthiii na usichek nyuma tena
achana naye.
not worthy
Saidia mafisi na hiyo # :D:p
Hii ndio evidence those dons at moi university used in their study on miraa, watu wa veve tunawajua.
You must be very handsome and rich for a woman to pursue you like that. Lucky nigga!
You’re dating a crazy bitch who has an even crazier bf, in a very short time down the road utakua na two war fronts. If she cheated on his dude with you, it is almost guaranteed she’ll cheat on you with another dude.
:D:D,Veve na game ya Arsenal and they go together,These are the two things that no one can separate from me even Mrs Madova knows that.
:eek::eek:,This should come someone whom i wont name for security reasons.
Run for the hills…
He can not. She is head over hills for him…
Avoid that woman doesn’t give two fucks about you. She probably sees you as a tool for vengeance or whatever her plan is… epuka kabisa.