Mombasa decent affordable hotels

Am going to Mombasa, which decent hotels can someone stay that are affordable for an average Nairobi hustler.
Am taking along a lady.

Ogali’s K coast iko Mtwapa. arnd 3k a night. Has a swimmo

Unafaa useme budget yako pia

Kendas, Destiny…huko mtwapa (1-2k) a nite

Club willow - Diani
Neptune - Diani

3000 - 3500 a night

Rhino in tudor

Kahamas is good

Check out , click on the hotel icon next to the plane icon…then type “Mombasa” in the search bar. You’ll be spoilt for choice…

there is no clear defination of “average” in nairobi, the range of income is too skewed. may be the "mode"and “median” might be better expressions. Please tell us specific figure for your budget.

prideinn Resort and spa hapo shanzu.
best for an average Nairobian

Prideinn ya cbd mombasa Ni 7895/ Na ya huko beach ni 15k

Try Hotels in Mombasa. Book your hotel now!

I’d recommend chamiachi apartments in nyali, you can get a room that falls in your price range and it has a swimming pool plus open bar

Lampada mtwapa ama

Jambo hotels

kenda’s mtwapa

Io kenda kali sana…pale live show

Mtwapa na Diani sio Mombasa.
