If you behave like a man behaved 2000 years ago, purporting to be the saviour, be ready to suffer the same fate.
Molo people supply us with good potatoes, but they are not that important that you die for them.
You are an IDIOT!
He is Luo, Richard Otieno. I hope that luos will stop supporting abductions and extra judicial killings.
Wifey looks cute at least tutasomesha wakidy tukimpea pole .
This very sad.
Ameoa Njeri from Nyery, hio sura sio ya Adhiambo
This would be funny if it wasn’t such a stupid and insensitive thing to say. Nobody from anywhere deserves to die like that for standing for what’s right.
…that’s why ulitupeana kwa nabii
I would never risk my own life for the sake of the society, a society which has accepted corruption as a way of life is not worth dying for.
Not everyone can be a leader, you, you are a follower
That guy was a hero who died in the quest for justice
You just don’t understand the motivation behind fighting for human rights. It’s born of a passion for justice and hatred of all forms of oppression of man by fellow man. These are people who want to be free, and because you can’t fight alone, they try to get society involved; that’s how they become visible and a target by those benefitting from the injustice. It’s not driven by a false bravado or a desire to die for society. That’s a clever and malicious view pushed by oppressors to cast rights activists as people chasing clout and causing havoc, so they can justify killing them.
Inakaa the only way to avoid election defeat is assassinate
Rivers, men with weapons, animals with paws and horns, women, and the members of the royal family should never be taken for granted.
Those who do not follow these principles suffer adverse consequences.