Ni jicho, pevu, imeanza kuona ama ni tumbo imedangaya jicho likawa potevu.
Wacheni kijana akule pia, Kama baba anakula pia, shida iko wapi?
Ksh200 billion, hio war chest ni kitu kila mtu anatakakula
Wazee wote in one side ya dynasties hoping for a golden ticket to avoid retirement. Kenyans who decide don’t see why and definitely aren’t in a hurry. All hustlers are behind DP Uncle Ruto and so far his development tour of all 47 counties has reached 20 counties so far in 4 months. Nikujipanga my friends, networks are been built, projects launched and ongoing projects are being inspected.
Moha hates hoho with a passion… The saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Politics…, It all narrows down to interests no matter how parochial they get and self preservation.
Wakenya tumetombwa tukatombeka
2022 Ruto anachukua kiti mapema mapema
Nilikuambia ucheze kama messi kwa team hustler campaign ukacheza shini. Issorait tho.
There seems to be some mistrust in Jubilee
We haven’t forgotten about the kiambaa church incident. We will whip his ass pale kwa debe.
FMungai bado uko Nasa ama ukona baba jubilee
Uncle yako pillpoad na Weta kwani hawatakuwa kwa debe?
Mimi nilipotea ka Miguna. Makachinja, watu wala watu, watu wala pesa, wenye weupe kama pamba wote wanaimba same song. Kuna problem
Kuna mtu atazikwa bado akiongea kuhusu hawa politicians
Moha alipewa ride kwa helicopter…the rest is history.
hapo ume wahi
Politics is thankless job, with 200 billion at 50 years of age I would retire even to run some charity very far away from politics or work on setting up a serious manufacturing business anywhere in the world provided my idea will see the light of the day. Unfortunately all these wealth is from questionable sources therefore these guys will know no peace unless they are in power.
Hata ingekuwa ni wewe ungefanyaje?