Modern Day Feminism is Going to Destroy Societies

Feminism in the modern day world is not practical and if there is another wave of feminism that is yet to come it is going to completely destroy a society.In the past the movement had very noble intentions, women were restricted to homemaking and could not participate in important events such as voting or going to institutions of higher education e.t.c

The first wave of feminism addressed this and enabled women to be able to participate in political and economic affairs of the country.It happened/was achieved concurrent to the civil rights movement.Women were able to access educational opportunities that enabled them to have equal opportunities for employment as men. Today women have equal and better educational opportunities than men.Universities in the Western world have more women than men and the trend is fast catching up in Kenya.Today, in a lot of professions in the corporate world women have a better chance of being employed than men.Most of you have gone to some interviews and have seen certain probabilities of women being taken after the interview.

The second wave of feminism promoted liberalism in sexuality and happened in the 80’s.‘My dress my choice in Kenya’ falls under this second wave.Women wanted to dress as they could and express themselves sexually without restrictions that the traditional media, religion and Hollywood had placed. Hollywood and pop culture promoted this and women were free to express themselves sexually through dressing.Clothing designers, women’s magazines, playboy, sexuality in movies begun promoting women’s sexuality through fashion.Today Instagram which is part of pop culture is a testament to sexual liberalism.Women could never dress like that in the 40’s and 50’s.

The third wave of feminism was about ‘equalizing’ the man and woman.But it totally ignores a lot of things such as biology etc and carries with it a lot of prejudice against men and is portraying the woman as a victim.It has no logic .This is an example of a modern day video on feminist thinking where it has become ‘politically correct’ to benefit just because you are a woman at the expense of men and shaming mentality to justify an ideology.

Woman want better/equal political, economic and social space as men.They have equal and even better chances of doing so through voting or going to school.But still they demand it at the expense of society. They want equal wages as men but will not do the same economic activities as men.Very few men are CEO’s,doctors, business owners etc in a population of men, majority of men are in the lower cadre careers serving time in the military, are in physically demanding jobs that are dangerous.In the US military the highest ratio men to women dying in battle has been around 40,000 men to 100 women.So they are chasing a mirage and are not looking at the wage issue objectively and are assuming that all men earn high and similarly.

Affirmative action if left for extended periods can be counter-productive to those that receive it as it conditions those who receive it to be dependent on it .The welfare system in the US is an example, it’s dependents especially poor blacks, Hispanics who are the most recipients of welfare are still the most economically disadvantaged ethnic groups/races in the US.

In Kenya today, due to our constitution’s clause on affirmative action there is a proposition to create 100 more MP seats specifically for women in addition to the women’s rep seats.At this time the government has been issued with a warning of the wage bill that is not sustainable and will have to retrench/freeze hiring.The auditor general and his office has recommended that some MP and MCA seats be scrapped to make the wage bill in Kenya sustainable because Kenya is over represented.Even with all goodwill Kenya is not able to implement the gender rule set by the constitution.Is this rational or fair to the country?

In the western world (and slowly catching up in Kenya), the family courts are ruthless to men in cases of divorce.A man has to pay alimony and can loose his property in case of divorce and also pay child support according to what the woman wants,meaning 50% or more of your pay cheque can be taken away without considering your financial needs.a woman is allowed to request for more alimony and child support even without considering the financial capability of the man.This has driven a lot of men to financial ruin with many becoming homeless and others committing suicide.Paternity fraud is tolerated and goes unpunished and even if you get involved with a woman and DNA proves that you are not the father of a child you will still be required to pay child support as the woman pleases.

Politically, legislation and money goes towards feminist ‘issues’ at the expense of the society on important societal issues.Example in Nigeria, Boko Haram which means ‘Against western education’ went around schools and got children as hostages.The boys were separated from girls and burned alive while the girls were captured/released to become wives etc.The media ignored it completely or put it as minor news e.g. 200 people killed, most were men but were counted as people.When Boko Haram realized that they were not getting attention they captured Chibok girls.Michelle Obama started the ‘bring back our girls’ campaign,Hollywood promoted it and the US,Britain etc started acting and sending weapons,logistical help etc. Boko haram came to international limelight because of this.In Kenya if you want to receive money just say that you are fighting for a feminist cause all aid will come to you yet there are many other equally important issues.

Today a divorce attorney in the US is in big business.Just like the penitentiary system benefits private owners and gun law/‘right to arm yourself’ supports gun manufacturerers, the divorce court is a whole system that benefits many at the expense of a man.Men are likely to receive higher/ stiffer penalties for similar crimes committed by women. e.g. take a look at sentences rape cases in the US against students who are minors committed by women and men. Domestic violence against men is overlooked but against women it is a major crime.In one documentary i saw, a man was assaulted by his wife who threw bottles to his face.After every incident he had to go outside to show neighbors the cuts and blood to avoid his kids and prove to them that it was not him who was the abuser.If he retaliated a charge against domestically abusing a woman could be considered serious.He had no where to go because there is only one domestic violence shelter for men in the US compared to thousands for women.

1.Drop in marriage rates in the Western world.There has been a sharp drop in marriages. Apart from men not knowing their roles due to lack of examples/father figures, the court system is making men avoid marriage because they are literally terrified of what will become of them.Hence many single mothers due to reckless sex outside commitment .
2.Subversion of masculinity.The society teaches women to be strong but does not define what a man should be.Ever asked yourself why mass shooters are turning out to be young boys and not young girls yet they are raised in the same environment.Young boys are using aggression to express their frustration at the world and how it is treating them and not listening to them.
3.Corruption. Today feminist groups are some of the richest movement groups.Highlight a feminist issue and money comes to you fast , highlight an issue faced by men that are legitimate and it will be ignored e.g. paternity fraud.The girl child issue is an avenue of creating wealth.
4.Crime/Aggression- although criminals and human beings have complex behavior, psychologists who have researched on male prisoners have found that majority come from homes that are fatherless.They do not have examples of male authority so they will not respect authority.
5.Taking away of basic rights just because you are a man-Popular Western men’s rights speakers who have legitimate concerns have been banned from public speaking in many forums,men’s groups are saliently considered as hate groups. Slowly society will consider it normal for a man who stands up to speak for himself in regard to gender roles ‘politically incorrect/right wing male/sexist/bigot’.
6.Rise in sex tourism-Today Kenya among other developing countries is considered to a top sex tourism destination compared to Pattaya/Bangkok Thailand, Rio etc.Most of these sex tourists are elderly unmarried men from Western countries.
7. Low population growth rates-Unplanned pregnancies due to reckless sex hence abortion, a society that does not value family life due to distortion of gender roles but values career leads to low population growth rates.As a result countries are using green card diversity programs ‘lottery’ and mass immigrant to compensate for their low population growth rate which can affect the country’s productivity in future.
8.Hypocrisy in addressing important issues-black lives matter should be ‘young black male lives matter’ because they are majority of the victims of police brutality and the prison system.The plight of the young black male in the US is not being addressed but is put as a back burner. Men are the major victims of war/terrorism yet children and women are given preferential system.Development funds are going to feminist issues yet men related issues are ignored hence poverty/terrorism issues not properly addressed as a phenomena

the end tired of typing:D:D:D

summary :
Feminism begun in wakanda

The following scene is from Passengers (2016) film.

If it had been a man beating a woman, the world would not contain the hue and cry generated. But it is okay for a woman who feels slighted to act aggressively, even violently, but not the man. This is how you tell men and women are being re-educated to accept violence perpetrated on men by women. The case of Mwende is still continuing but the Nyeri survivor is one no sane lawyer would think of touching. Just to be clear, the next phase of feminism is to show that there is really no need for men, therefore dehumanize us and make us into toys. After all, science proves a fully functional human being can be created from a living cell. In other words, the genocide of men is a real possibility.

Wanawake tumewapatia the right to vote that’s all they need

I’m sorry but everything you’ve written OP is garbage. Women are still very far from equality. What you have adopted is tunnel-vision thinking/bias where you see a few women at the top and convince yourself that is the reality for all.

In truth, women are still not welcomed to STEM and to research. It’s not out of the norm that for a mid-skill course you will find women and men numbers are the same. Feminism opened that when girls were not supposed to even be in school. But women are still not available at the technical programs.

There are also very few women at Executive level in the corporate world unlike what you think. Just because you’ve seen women in PR and marketing and communication you develop a blind bias. Women do not have space to attend to domestic duties and still overstay in their office cubicle.

Ask any woman who runs a business in Kenya if banks don’t have a bias when you go for a loan. Or when you speak to an investor. These are the things feminism is fighting against. Sociocultural barriers and stupid negative stereotypes.

As for drop in marriage, it’s pretty dumb to blame feminism. It’s obvious that when people spend more time building careers and getting educated that marriage and child rearing will take a set back. It’s also obvious that urbanization goes hand in hand with dropping fertility rates. You can’t have 11 kids in a city or after you’ve been educated on family planning.

Divorce is going up because we live under a philosophy of individualism. The compromises of relationships are just not as attractive anymore.

Other issues of sijui masculinity ask your fellow men. You are obsessed with escapism. Si video games, constantly thinking sex, drugs, parties and other teenage aspirations. That is what is killing men.

You have been clearly been hurt in your previous relationship . You can’t hate a car if you have never driven it before.
You refused to move past that hurt and that’s why you hate men with a passion. Guess what, a time will come when you will be submissive to a man at some point. Continue your bile excretion

Most, not all, men who have been raised by women who were single by choice, not widows, have become big boys and are part of the problem. They have been conditioned to think like women and accept that it is normal to be beaten by a woman, do the dishes, change the diapers etc. Meanwhile, systematic destruction of the traditional father mother children family unit continues with open rebellion towards marriage and married women being subtlety nudged and encouraged to leave and seek ‘freedom’. This world will be one ferked up mess fifty years from now.

Sijasoma but feminism is toxic.

pussy whipped cuck males

We even had threads here about male rappers acting and dressing girlish while female rappers going macho and gangster.

In those days men may not be ‘needed’ because they can’t give birth or nurture kids. Most babies born today are a product of unwed couples aka single mothers. If just one sperm is needed for fertilization, which an alpha male can produce billions of them per shot,…then there’s an oversupply of men. Mechanization will render masculine strength useless. Only soft skills which come naturally to females will be required for those New Age jobs. In summary, men will have to revamp themselves and find ways of remaining relevant, for example domestication is one avenue of becoming useful to society. That’s feminazism in a nutshell. Boy child hana bahati.

There’s always a way, WARS.

We only need a great war to reset society, and start rebuilding again, and men will be needed, the feminazi will hang themselves because they won’t be useful.

you think you’ve said something meaningful but you haven’t. You’ve actually made no point at all to drive the conversation forward.

Are you guys retards? So men are not supposed to share in domestic responsibility? So both of you come from work and the guy’s job is to watch TV?

lool do you know what war is? You think it’s some movie? Ati we need a war, haha

I know war. Look at history and see the effects of war. After a great war society gets reset “to factory settings”

With a light touch…

“Can’t we all get along?”

Also, “make love not war”.

Have a good one peepo!

I have learned that you can coexist with feminazi just like the tongue coexists with and surrounded by hard teeth. Deep inside every bra-burning, no makeup wearing, baby murdering feminazi is a little girl who has been programmed to engage in territorial battles with everybody around. Some of them go all the way and become Bavmoda but most of them have no heart and so are in the middle playing both sides.
In life whenever you choose to pursue something to it’s extremes you have chosen a lonely journey and consequently feminists are very lonely souls. People tend to avoid them for fear of antagonising them and having to deal with their wrath.
Men in Kenya cannot complain for lack of marriage opportunities. There are plenty of women who haven’t been affected by this Beijing Conference gender resolutions. Just be sure to keep that pure soul away from feminists and you will be okay.

If we continue with that evolutionary hypothesis, then foetus p[rofiling will be the order of the day to eliminate unwanted males. The remaining ones will go through evolutionary processes that will require the penis to only pee, hence becoming the size of the clitoris. (after all, sperm will have been milked to sustain invitro fertilization.) Women’s vagina’s purpose will only be for childbirth, hence constrict up into a pinhole (all the clitoral nerves will die since the G-spot will have no further use) and blow up over nine months to about 10 inches for that sole purpose. Can you see how your hypothesis when put into any model ends up into an absurdity?

Would you like your family and yourself to be the ones to die…or let me guess, you’ll be part of rebuilding?