Modem not conecting

Somebody help…am trying to connect kwa net nikitumia Airtel modem bit napata hii error…whats up guys somebody help


Mimi nilihamia Telegram

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that looks like a typical com error, make sure you don’t have another instance of the app running in the background (task manager), one com port cannot be used by two apps concurrently

Wha you mean by com port??

uko na dailup ingine?

Restart comp n it will be fine


loosely translated a com port can be termed as the USB port you have connected your modem to. COM ports are the oldest form of connecting a computer to a peripheral device. they have carried with them over the years several weaknesses with them.

  1. first weakness, if your peripheral devices driver creates a com port whose number is greater than 9 and the app developer never factored this in the dev, the app with fail with an error similar to the one you have mentioned. to counter this the developer should declare the port address as " \\.\COMXX". a quick fix for this on the end user side would be to change the port number from device manager → com port properties → port settings → advanced-> port number
    2.second weakness is that com ports only allow one application to to connect to it at any given time (goes back to trying to solve the full duplex problem and thread safety), in your case if the modem app crashed or for some reason it did not exit cleanly, there might be an orphaned instance that’s still holding the COM port. check via task manager how many instances of the modem app are listed and kill them then retry.

have always hated the COM port implementation, its completely effed up

All rather ,he uninstall,restart and installs the modem.

Unless your pc takes likes 5 minutes to restart

Thanks am now sorted

guys i got mf 667 airtel modem that is unlocked. whenever i put it to 3G mode it indicates UMTS then after a few seconds limited service. how can i fix it coz it’s really boring

I had that problem too. Try putting it in auto mode (2G/3G). I had to resort to android tethering.

not working at all ata niliipeana