MMN; School head, 10 others arrested after exam papers go missing

Eleven people were arrested in Narok County on Wednesday after science and Kiswahili papers for the national exams went missing.
They are the headteacher of Oloonamuka Primary School in Narok County, three of his colleagues and three security officers.
The 11 were taken to Olpusimoru Police Station for interrogation and the security officers replaced.
The test papers for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Educations (KCPE) examinations went missing while being taken to the school.
Narok County Commissioner George Natembeya and a team of security agents swung into action following the report.

“A lady collected the exams in a container at the Olokurto division education office and put them in a handbag. How they slipped out of the vehicle is a matter of investigations,” said Mr Natembeya.
He led the security team in searching for the papers in villages.
Mr Natembeya said education officials were forced to find a quick alternative for the pupils.
“The pupils will write their tests without a hitch,” he told the Nation on phone.
Meanwhile, [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=5]31 pupils of different schools in Narok East did not take the tests as they dropped out due to pregnancy.[/SIZE]
“Others were married off. We are following up on individual cases,” said Mr Natembeya.

yaani KNEC, TSC, KRA, NTSA, NSIS and all other gofament bodies knew this girls were pregnant jana???
there’s something wrong in the state of denmark

what were they supposed to do?

kwani mimba yatokea in an instant kaa @uwesmake akimbao akiona haga river road

How is a transport authority concerned with the pregnancy of pupils? :rolleyes:

this is kenya, kwani unaishi wapi?

Kweli Kwanza nyinyi truck drivers are weapons of mass impregnation of young pupils. NTSA has failed us…

Na bado Ezekiel Mutua hajaongea. Kazi yake ni ku-censor mimba pia.

Ngui, sio sisi
ni watu wa bodaa

:D@pseudonym pea huyu masiwa

trend has been set, kesho gojea pics on soso media of all MCAs and other wanabees wakiwa kwa mashule .
they are just intimidating our kids.
MMNN tuko chonjo following Matiangi tuone ataland wapi

Meria Mata ni ugurukaga ma. Heheg

its true, gojea report itoke dece, hawa bodaa wanakunywa asali yote

Do they also double up as the health ministry?
Are they supposed to issue pregnancy tests every feb/March to know which girls are pregnant?

National exams supervisors, invigilators and centres…b extra careful …this is coming as per what happened today at Eldoro pry schl in Taveta…after opening and signing the wrong exam …they were all replaced immediately and taken to the police to record statements pending interdiction…nikubaya!
habari ndio hiyo!

Have you ever been to olposimoru?

Because we are tired of the rot in the education sector.
Their next step should be these fellows.

who packed the wrong exam?
next yr KNEC ijipange

haya twende kazi, KCPE 2018.
FIRST CORRECT nswer gets 500 KCr

Have they been arrested?
What would you have done differently if such a case occurred?How can you be sure that there was no foul play in their part without an investigation?
Jana ulituambia a school head cross dressed a boy to cheat on a music practical.
KNEC can hire the Chinese if need be as far as I’m concerned when it comes to our kids.