She must be new into the business…a veteran lanye knows that its “Lipa kwanza ndio twende shot”
Most of the times I bang lanyes huwa nalipa after…I also noted lanyes hawaitishi pesa before huwa na service msoori saidi.
Am always on the mans side…
Lanye will wait for u to send money to the number u were chatting with on whatsapp
Then akugeuzie akuambie uweke kwa paybill/ pochi la biashara
Ukiweka kwa paybill she will refuse to refund the money u sent to her line aseme hana ID ( I think wameanza kurealize 1k shot ni upuzi - effects of a saturated market) they want more money!
I hope the man has a nice heart. Coz me ukinifanyia hivi that’s a 50 year blood feud. Kichwa ingegonga sakafu? She waits till the man is totally drunk to attack him. Assault
Lipa maraya cash…elders walikataa mobile payments
I don’t think so, unaona vile hionsura imekauka. Probably during the service John aliporwa na malanye wengine and now they want more
Ukienda calabash hautakua na hizi mashida