MKBHD Studio Tour 2021.....!

Marques seem to be living in the 23rd Century.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:o_Oo_O

Those initials sound close to DFHKMBL… something like that

Marques Keith Brownlee - High Definition

I like Mrwhoistheboss more, this nigga is very good though

TechQuickie is the clown of all…!:slight_smile:

Your mind is just corrupted with ktalk shenanigans

Ungeona ile mbio nimekam nayo…

Hawa ata hawana kitchen, but they have 12 million subscribers

Earth is hard

MKBHD is an advertising company. His main clients are Apple, Samsung and OnePlus. His ads are in the form of product reviews with some entertainment

I haven’t liked MKBHD content for about the last year

He was good when he had sub 2 million subs but nowadays amekua very biased. He used to hate on Huawei & iPhones and shill on pixels and he made it too obvious.
Would never waste a minute watching him

Just watched the video and I’m impressed yet so disappointed in Marcus. I’m impressed that he’s now a business with employees.
I’m hella disappointed that he has hired guys of every race but black. And don’t start me with the merit BS, there are tones of skilled black graphics devz, tech researchers etc
Someone said always be afraid of the 1 black guy in a white group, they’ll do everything in their power (even sabotage you) to remain the only black guy

That’s why I love the likes of Jay Z (despite the case of only white employees in Tidal), 50 Cent & Tyler Perry coz they put black people on. If you have relaz in the US even Australia u’ll be told how u can do the job of 3 white people but the guy under you earns more than you and has benefits.

I noticed the same too but yeah, you nailed it

Marques is a giant well respected by ALL tech companies and youtubers.