I had sex recently with a certain house gal. I was pumping her good and she was screaming mixael unaniumiza while pushing my body away. I continued pumping her …the more she pushes me away the more I hit. Then suddenly my penis slips out of her kanyau…guess who puts it back in? The same mboch who was pushing me away.
Ladies, this is where my question comes in. Do u love to be hurt during sex or soft love making? I have heard the same experience with prostitutes…anazusha ati kwani haumwagi while she pushes u away but the time yr penis goes out of her punani…she brings it back in.
Back to the studio…reporting for Mexael television is Anne wambui…over to u studio answer the question this young man I just intervied
The biggest problem most of y’all niggas make more times than can be counted is assuming that our systems, just like yours, get aroused at the first touch. We are not as visual as you monkeys are. You guys just see things and bam!! “Panua miguu Magdalene before mama watoto akuje”