Missing Kenyans



  1. Daniel Kabusho who was abducted on 18th June 2024.
  2. Peter Macharia who went missing on 25th June 2024
  3. Emmanuel Mukuria Kamau who went missing on 25th June 2024
  4. Charles Osewe who went missing on 25th June 2024
  5. Kelvin Otieno who went missing on 25th June 2024
  6. Yussuf Hussain Ahmed abducted in July in broad daylight
  7. Issa Osman who was abducted on 6th July 2024 in Isiolo Town
  8. Nura Abdi who was abducted on 6th July 2024 in Isiolo Town
  9. Muktar Tache who was abducted on 6th July 2024 in Isiolo Town.
  10. Stephen Kavingo Mbisi, abducted on 17th December 2024 in Mlolongo
  11. Paul Karani Muema, 29yo, abducted on 17th December 2024 in Mlolongo
  12. Martin Mwau Zyuko, 35 yo, abducted on 17th December 2024 in Mlolongo
  13. Justus Mutumwa Musyimi,33yo, abducted on 17th December 2024 in Mlolongo.
  14. George Okwaro who was abducted on 23rd November 2024
  15. Elvis Kevin Lagat who was abducted on 5th December 2024
    17: Dominic Kipng’eno Lagat who was abducted on 5th December 2024.
  16. Mjaka Mjinga who went missing two weeks ago
  17. Brian Odhiambo who was abducted in Nakuru

We must end Abductions in Kenya NOW …!!


#Kaongo Must Go Now

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Those are not innocent people, their life or death does not concern me.

Juzi tulitetea maina njenga aachiliwe, kumbe yeye na Ruto ni kitu moja.

Peasant mwengine after kuachiliwa na abductors akaenda mombasa kuchukua gari mpya.

Sisi si wajinga.

Rivers, men with weapons, animals with paws and horns, women, and the members of the royal family should never be taken for granted.

Those who do not follow these principles suffer adverse consequences.

This is an issue of national concern …

We live in a democracy and not a monarchy where a few privileged control the destiny, or even lives , of the majority …

If no just resolution is found , and soon …

We will go the historical way other nations in similar circumstances found themselves …

And it will be very bloody …!!:rage::hotsprings:

we live in an unjust world, and some people do not have the fear of the gods in them, the rule of law, they don’t care. you provoke such people, are you tired of living?

A very Simple answer for You …

Were your freedom loving ancestors and Freedom Fighters afraid of “provoking” imperialism and colonialism or loosing their lives when they confronted the colonialists to demand Freedom and Independence that YOU enjoy today…???

Were they “tired of living” …???:blush::hotsprings:

Yafaa wa abduct ule bottom homosexual @Maize_Combuster wamtombe to death Kwa hizo safe house

my ancestors fought for political independence, and not any other form of independence. they wanted freedom to govern themselves, freedom to make kenya the shithole it is today.


While people were on the streets fighting for his freedom, the so-called Osama_otero was enjoying mandazi, samosa, chai and mpesa transactions pale statehouse.
Bure sana

There are all sorts of interpretations of Freedom …

Kaongos’ idea is to shit on his employers ( the Citizens ) , oppress and steal from them.

Yours is to be obedient and subservient to criminals and thugs that YOU elected because they came from the same “Mrima” as yourself …

That is how we have ended up with a shithole nation.

So now You know the Corrective remedial action to take in 2027 … !!! :rage: :fire:

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