Mikora Noam Chomsky appears in new Epstein list.

Mossad malisa that fraud.



walete black book ya island wawache diversions ! Bill gates kalikuwa kanishinda huko !

@Aka mpole na si tungeanza na ile room ya wesdon:D

Wololo yaye. Mambo inachemka :smiley:

If they are releasing the details now it’s because they’re covering up something else that’s more important than who fiddled kids when

@Aka mpole alisoma book moja ya Thomas Sowell and since then he takes every opportunity to own the “libs”.

A fake Conservative if you ask me.

Jews “exposing” Jews ? Something fishy going on.

Females kazi yao ilikuwa kulala na young boys ama ni experimenting with them with some strange jungu fetish

Cheza chini mdau

List haina Bill Gates na Bill Clinton tumekataaaaaaa.

That was my initial thought too. Talk about worsening the rampant anti semitic sentiment already going around. How long do you think before the Jews get blamed for lgbtq madness, and then a re-run of the Holocaust?