Controversial lawyer and politician Miguna Miguna has broken his silence over Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s nomination for deputy governor.
Miguna, who is currently in Ontario, Canada has turned down the nomination terming it as “malicious distraction.”
“Good afternoon? I have no idea what nearly everyone seems to be talking about. It’s a malicious distraction. That’s all I am saying!” said Miguna.
This brings to a halt the excitement brought about by the Wednesday night nomination by Governor Sonko which caught many by surprise.
Miguna’s lawyer Nelson Havi, while speaking to Jeff Koinange on Citizen TV’s #JKL said he hoped his client would accept the job offer.
“That is upon him to decide but I think he better accept the job. I would tell him to comeback home fast, he would even be given a diplomatic passport to travel,” he said.
[SIZE=6]The Jubilee Party has now ordered Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko to immediately withdraw the nomination of lawyer Miguna Miguna as the city’s Deputy Governor.[/SIZE]
The ruling party, through National Assembly Leader Aden Duale, stated that it was not in support of Sonko’s decision due to four reasons.
According to Duale, Miguna did not meet the legal requirements to be nominated for the Deputy Governor’s position.
“One, he is not a member of the Jubilee Party. Two, we have told Sonko that the only time he can take a name to that Assembly (County) is after consulting with the party leader - the President,” Duale told in a telephone interview. He added that the Jubilee Party did not consider Miguna a Kenyan and could not therefore qualify to become Deputy governor.
“He is not the choice of Jubilee by his character, we cannot even allow him to join our party. Even his citizenship is in question. How do you become a Deputy Governor is you are not a Kenyan?” Duale stated.
For once I have to give it to Gov Sonko. message has been delivered to President Uhuru. He would not just roll over as the daily calculated onslaught from PS kibicho, his billionaire cartel sponsors and bloggers continues at media, print and shoshomedia.
All this is a fight for big contracts that is being jointly done by national and county government.
30 billion commuter rail project for Nairobi & neighbouring counties.
5 billion road repairs/rehabilitation in Nairobi county by KURA and 1.5 billion by county government.
Tender to transform Dandora dumpsite to a modern garbage incinerator that will convert decades of garbage to fertilizer, power and capture gases for industrial use. All the garbage will be sorted to different elements for non-recycle and recycled materials. Basically its a cash cow that already 5 global firms are pushing for.
Garbage collection to supply the new dandora plant.
Reforms to Nairobi water and sewerage company to rehabilitate existing lines and build new ones.
This all fall under Nairobi regeneration lead jointly by Gov Sonko and CS Balala. They report their progress to President Uhuru every 30 days. Now the fights for tenders has intensified and its within Gov Sonko right to say no to civil servants as Governor of Nairobi. Only UhuRuto can overrule him.
Today’s action by Sonko was to give notice that he can also pay rough if push becomes shoves. People elected Uhuru, Ruto and Sonko. Not kibicho, kamanda and company. Now UhuRuto need to act.
You are losing your mind. Tell us how Sonko has won this? He has lost it, you cannot twist it otherwise. This was not a message, it was a nomination to the position of DG. If it was a message, what could he have done if it went through? By your analogy, we can deduce that Sonko want to award the contracts all alone. And if he reports to Uhuru and Ruto, did he consult them before doing that nomination. The people you are citing are not politicians, why should he fight them by political message?
I repeat President Uhuru has been served today. Control your staff or remove them.
Gov. Sonko tantrums is common, nothing new here we knew he is emotional since he was MP. However a calculated move like this says a lot and is targeted. Anyway I understand DP Uncle Ruto has been tasked to sort this matter and report back. He remains the designated political fire fighter in Jubilee.
So Sonko can dictate who works for government? The nomination has already flopped, fire fighting for what? Why do you take people on this board for fools. There is nothing to sort out. The only thing people want sorted out is garbage collection, cleaning of the city etc. How has Kibicho prevented Sonko from using the county allocations and collections to solve Nairobi problems?
Its the other way round, civil servants should not dictate to an elected Governor whether they like him or not. President Uhuru was right to pick CS Balala to coordinate with him on the joint projects. He is diplomatic, firm and mature. They work well together but in implementation of the same this group try to impose themselves. That’s why Gov Sonko asked last week if President Uhuru and DP Uncle Ruto are willing to work with him then who are this people to object. In 2016-2017 the same group tried to impose Dennis waweru, Eugene wamalwa and finally peter Kenneth and it failed. I agree with Gov Sonko on this shadows can’t split the party. If they can’t work as a team let them leave. The daily campaign on media, print and shoshomedia must end. Kwanza kibicho this days calls himself head of intelligence. Atajua ajui. Let UhuRuto and Sonko agree on this contracts and let work begin. This thing of shadows demanding by force must end.
Tact and foresight has never been his strong point ever since he started as MP. His critics assume a lot. Gov. Sonko supporters know he is not the most knowledgeable leader, he dresses poorly, he is prone to outburst and emotional statements and from time to time he will embarrass us. That is known, so bashing him on that is waste of time. However they voted for him since he is more honest than the suits, he has more conviction to serve and his heart is with helping the people.
Three things Gov Sonko has already done that makes him unpopular with the suits.
All cash collections are banked daily. This usually was spent at source for 5 years and no records kept.
All pending bills is undergoing audit before cleared for payment. Kshs 60 billion worth of bills. Surprisingly only small suppliers are showing up for the process. None of the big supplier has claimed anything.
Follow up on all payments to verify if they are genuine or not. This is where 60% of the friction has been generated. The cash train has been stopped.
Paying suppliers directly, not through brokers or lawyers. Case of point the billion shs health cover for staff to AAR. The suits were to get 1 billion agency commission that didn’t materialize when AAR was paid directly.
Have they taken Sonkos county allocations and collections? How have they prevented him from delivering services to Nairobi? Here you are talking about Joint projects, that is besides the point. Did they influence the ill-advised move to nominate miguna as DG? Your arguments are just escapism, nothing tangible. Kibicho will go nowhere, at least not through what you are alluding to. Tell us how Sonko has won? To me he has egg all over his face and you are here trying to spin a flopped move. How has he gained politically?
If what you are saying is true, mention one specific case where Kibicho has prevented Sonko from fulfilling his mandate. If you cannot name an instance where this has happened, you have no business trying to spin some threads about cartels and sabotage. You are also on social media and here every day spinning about some old Nairobi projects and garbage collections, what is wrong when they post photos of how Nairobi is dirty?
Unless someone comes to his rescue or he rescues himself, all that he has accomplished stands to be swept under the carpet. Embarrassment is one thing, it can be contained but a perceived battle against the executive will be costly for him. The Miguna appointment does not make any sense. He now seems like a pariah under attack from all angles. Miguna not be left behind, has now denied ever speaking to Sonko since 2017.
Can he redeem himself? It is possible but its not going to be easy given his knee jerk reactions and indiscipline. He has done well so far, but he is relentlessly under attack. The naysayers say Kidero was several times better but when challenged to state what Kidero accomplished, they fall silent.
Sonko is challenging long held stereotypes, he is proving that a “hustler” can deliver and many do not like the perception that an underdog can get the job done. Not in a society where the number of degrees one has is deemed as a measure of intelligence. However he needs help and fast, for perception is reality and once it forms it is hard to shake off.
Gov. Sonko was sworn in six months ago. First thing he found out was that county government has a Kshs 1.1 billion overdraft at its main account with coop bank. Staff hadn’t been paid for 3 months. He had to seek UhuRuto intervention to get funds from Treasury to pay the overdraft and salaries. Mind you President Uhuru signed the devolved appropriation bill to allow counties get their share of devolved funds in Dec 2017. The budget was passed in June 2017 and Parliament was disbanded. In Aug 2017 we went to election thinking that by September all will be well and swearing in is done to allow all arms of government to return to work. Well what was expected as 1-2 months delay ended being 6 months as President Uhuru was sworn in in Nov 20th and Parliament was back in business to pass the devolved bill in Dec 2017. In Jan 2018 Gov. Sonko passed a supplementary bill to realign kidero’s budget to his own. Not a lot of money left but enough to do emergency repairs and works in the city. That’s why its only 3 months that Gov Sonko has only been working. I don’t understand the urgency to say he has failed.
This morning event was Gov Sonko serving notice that since they can play dirty so can I. I will nominate the most repulsive person as DG to take them head on then you will understand my frustration. Either way you can’t ignore it anymore. After all DG and county secretaries are his choice and no one else. I dare also say he knew miguna wouldn’t pass but the message has hit home. Even miguna wasn’t aware. If it continues Gov. Sonko will pull out of the joint projects.
You dont hit any target if your choice cannot pass. Why engage in a futile exercise, I ask. That in itself make him look weak. If it is to play, be effective. You dont kill a snake by leaving it wiggling on the ground.
I’ve seen both sides, I’m calling the suits at OP as BS and Gov. Sonko ashikilie. The other things being said to Sonko face aren’t proper and its not helping Jubilee. Ata watu wakijua inaweza leta shida. I understand his outbursts. Niko nyuma ya Gov. Sonko kabisa. He will embarrass me severally but he will also do well in many things. Suits only care for themselves first. Time for state house senior staff to take over OP at harambee house.
I once jestered at something similar to what you’ve just written ile backlash nilipata wacha tu. Job yenyewe ilikuwa ambasadorial appointment na wariah fulani wa statehouse alikataa hio kazi vile Miguna amekataa hii, akina @Deorro and his other handle gstar nyongesa ali unleash matusi zote anajua hii dunia.
They were all on my case hio siku asking, kwani nimeharibika kichwa juu job kama hizo hawawezi chukua wao. Sijui wao ni mamillionaire wamefika prepuce or pinnacle of life sasa nikunyonyesha na kucheza na watoto kwa nyumba. South Korea is a poor country anyway why would anyone want to be an ambassador for pennies and nickels whereas there are more important things to do in life.
I’m very surprised hujaulizwa bado kwani how desperate are you in your present economic status to desperately aspire to a lowly civil servant job such as a silly deputy governor of a third world city in a third world country.
Alafu umaliziwe na, “and besides Miguna is a successful billionaire lawyer hana time ya kuja kusumbuana na kanjo, he has better things to do in life”…
Hio siku I must admit nilishangaa sana. I didn’t realize there were so many real life billionaires on Ktalk. Really successful young African men making millions of shillings every second of the day selling things like illegal charcoal from Somalia. I must admit I was really impressed by these young, black men out there making gazillion dollars, making that mad paper. Stacking that cabbage straight to the ceiling.
That was until a few days later and to my utter horror and surprise I see the same @Deorro ranting that the govt. isnt doing enough to finance his small film projects…
Only on Ktalk I tell you. I guess wewe ni mluhya mwenzao hawana beef na wewe.