Miguna amefika


Lazima aseme anakuja kwa Business class?


This time round he will make it through’ but he will have to be very discreet once around. The best way akishuka the first Agenda afanye Handshake na Anco William

@WIGSPLITTA utachijwa kama kashyogi

Luopeans wakiwa nazo hawafichi.

That’s an old pic

Utajuaje Na Ni njaruo njeuri:D

Ujadhee ni gharama mtu yangu

hii ngamia hatuwezi kubali irudi kutupigia kelele

Those kicks are extra

Genelo mwiti anajaza nondo. He says he does not fear to go down under.

Bad people wishing to hit you sure they will dispatch you.

To date FBI havent concluded who shot JOHN F KENNEDY.

Well, his well know.

KASHYOGI ate kagumu.

Bad people with deadly Intentions

Kwani umesahau ni Miguna…? :smiley:

This from Miguna 20 mins ago…



Miguna you are not boarding, @WIGSPLITTA you are not boarding…



Where is the former CJ

This njaruo is smart but couldn’t he just keep his mouth shut till afike home. He ought to be circumcised hapo pronto aache ubladfakin