Mighty China Set To Test 1000Km/H MagLev Train

Research at a superconductivity laboratory at Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu, western China, is gaining momentum for a prototype maglev train that can travel at a whopping 1,000km/h.

Lead engineer Deng Zigang told state broadcaster China Central Television that the ultra-fast bullet train, incorporating maglev technology to eliminate wheel-rail friction as well as vacuum-tube transport to tackle air friction, would be able to go noticeably faster than narrow-body jets such as Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s, which normally cruise at 700-800km/h.

China Testing Super Maglev Trains That Could Hit 1,000km/H | The National Interest

1000km/h is an overkill and pretty much suicidal.

Imebaki ngapi tufike speed of light tuache kuzeeka?

Speed of light is 300000km/s. Tuko mbali Sana mdau