Midgets keep off

With a 6ft junguuuu your daughter can look like this. That height is everything.


If you imagine midgets have nil chance of scaling this, then you don’t know @rexxsimba , the wiry village contortionist:D

He wants to scale that tree Zakayo style.

[SIZE=5]Sir …
Its all about Skills , Experience …and Equipment …

I once met Ms: Ange Kagame …
She is almost 1.91 meters tall …
But some lucky fellow still scored …[/SIZE]:D:D




Trees aren’t that tall in Israel, so Zakayo’s climb must’ve been quicker:D
It takes skills very few of us have had opportunity to muster

It is a rare skill found only among Seasoned Elders … :D:D

This one earned a special prize. You gat to respect that

A 6”8 woman will likely join you at the Spinster club. Not many men have the stamina to endure contortionist angles in the bed. At least not @LongerTime who last exercised in form 4.

Beauty , Grace and Brain …

She is a rare , remarkable young lady …
Now sadly married and an Entrepreneur Housewife …

Elders in here will confirm that it takes great skill to chop a tall tree … :D:D:D