MGTOW thread

“why yes I’m MGTOW, what gave it away?” pahahaha keep coping boys

93 wewe ni cucu endea pesa ya wazee

Pili pili usiyoila yakuashia nini?


I’m trying to understand if u r shemale.

Shaming: The only thing that bitter post-wall women seem to be good at, yet you suck at it. Pathetic.



Usilie bro :smiley:


@girlciki93 I am seeing the wall approaching at the speed of 120km/hr umekuja kutafuta validation na kushame wanaume hapa…huezi shinda hii mechi…and why should you care if men go MGTOW…

Why does MGTOW bother women?

The mighty Wall is relentless and undefeated!!!

It’s simple maths, the more men go MGTOW, the less simps there are to marry/spend money on these post-wall kungurus. MGTOW is equivalent to a revolting of slaves in the 18th century. No slave master would have wanted that and they’d have tried their best to keep them slaves in the plantation.

Shaming tactics have become completely ineffective kutoka wanaume wapate hii script. These bitter post-walls should come up with new strategies, but again, they aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. If they were, they’d have seen the wall coming and bagged high-value mates when their looks still had any semblance of femininity in them. Sio kujaribu kushame wanaume yet they also look like men:D

You must the only male ktalk member who I have seen supporting feminists and attacking MGTOW everytime. You must have pussy then

Tuoshe mecho