Talkers wengi hapa hudhani MGTOW = being g** because you don’t prioritize women.
But as the name suggests it’s Men Going Their Own Way.
Feminism in the 70s was a good movement to promote equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women. However, it grew to become toxic. Resulting in a generation of women who want all the privileges of both 70s and current women but zero responsibilities.
So you find women wanting alimony (even though initially it was a thing because woman doesn’t have a job and she took care of the house and kids almost alone), even though she has a source of income. The women think it’s archaic to cook and clean, but still believe men should pay for their expenses. They cry about how not many CEOs are women, but of course they never cry about the discrepancy in the other direction like construction and such which makes men account for 90% of work related injuries.
They want a tall rich man who’s understanding with 8 inch dck when they bring nothing but pu**y to the table.It’s okay for them to be obese and if you don’t think they’re beautiful you’re a pig. In fact, they gaslight men with statements like "not doing this is small dck energy". (also funny because they promote body positivity but it’s okay to roast a man for something he can’t change)
She can cheat and it’s the man’s fault. But if a guy cheats all men are dogs. They can generalize men but you can’t generalize women.
They claim they hate men and want men to leave them alone. So what did high status men do? Men went their own way (MGTOW). They realized the trade off is useless. They recognized their worth. They saw they have more financial freedom and emotional stability being alone, and when they’re horny they can fuck women they want, or those in their friendzone or even escorts, then they continue living their best life unperturbed.
Kuna MGTOW wengine who’ve got no choice but to go their own way. They’re ugly, short, and have a small penis. Someone like @poyoloko, the uber driver. Women want absolutely nothing to do with him.
So for some men, MGTOW is some sort of sour grapes response to a lifetime of getting rejected by women.
Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW). Anyway women are becoming more bullshits in this society. I see them. They claim pesa take ni yakeand that of a man also belongs to her, Dunia gain hii?
Its the men who let the women go. Its men’s fault because even all these laws are made by men. Men also stopped sticking together and each wants to think they can stick with women and gain favour-false gold.
Jaweed…, use the word woman not women…
The moment you mention women we start to understand where the bullshits is coming from…women in general ni takataka. Hebu tafuta ka empress, ka lioness and see whether the lyrics will change.
MGTOW was supposed to be for men to prioritize ourselves first before attracting women. It was about leveling up but sasa ni ma incel tu. These new MGTOW guys just use the movement to bash women and blame them for everything. They’ve become like those black pillers. Incels in a different font.
I don’t call myself MGTOW because of those pathetic incels but I do practice some of it’s philosophies. Fellow Men ,if you focus on leveling up first ,you will never have to chase koomer in your life again.
For centuries(100 thousands of years) Women were more than okay letting men do the heavy lifting. Hunting, protecting women, getting attacked by wild animals, days on end chasing deer in the cold and rain. They were comfortable in the caves with a nice fire, they could have jumped in at any time but they did not. Now that men have built houses, roads and society they want to raise a finger and scream equality. You can start tomorrow at any construction site.
As you grow older ,you quickly realize ,you don’t have to sleep with every woman you find attractive and that makes you more attractive because you become less needy.
You become more focused, goal oriented. You become aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you understand your limits. you stop doing things to impress others. you learn to mind your own business. You start living.