I remember the times I would envy a nigga showing of his newborn on my shosho media timelines and I feel like Pac after the Snoop Dogg trial was done.
There is always this biological urge to extend your mortality when as a man you hit 24 upto around 45 years of age. It is hard, and only a few are able to keep that urge at bay. Let are look at the cost a man takes throughout raising a single child in the age we are in and in the 4 major cities.
Assumptions: You are middle-class
Cost factors: money, time and emotions.
Primary: 8years * 3 terms per year * 40,000/= per term = 960,000/=
Secondary: 4years * 3 terms per year * 40,000/= per term = 480,000/=
Text books, printing, etc: est. 150,000/=
Pocket money and drinking money while @ campus: est. 200,000/=
[[ We assume a high IQ kid who gets into uni via JAB hence HELB fees ]]
Health costs and contributions:
Insurance scheme: 10,000/= per year for 21 years = 210,000/=
Small medical costs: 5,000 per year for 10 years = 50,000/=
Kid stuff:
Games, toys, clubs, etc: total of 100,000/= by the time the little prick is 18 years. And this depends on the economic class you are in.
Clothing, food, shelter:
With kids there are additional costs like mboches, more bedrooms, clothing and feeding the little bastard.
Est. 600,000/= for 18-20 years.
Emotional cost:
This is in terms of situations where you surrender to life and your wife, examples could include: putting up with shitty job or clients, shitty family-in-law functions, shitty kid-stuffs, cannot risk punching that matatu driver that has just dented your family car on your way to work, getting drunk/ sex with clandes as the only entertainment options you have, owning a brick house that will 100% outlive your organic ass, giving up on your dreams whether achievable or not, etc. You know the deal guys.
Converted to money est 5,000,000/= with the least amount of self-respect to 100,000,000/= with the highest amount of self-respect.
Time cost:
This is self-explanatory. The world is a game and time is the only resource that truly belongs to you.
There you go gents, do you really want to get this fucked? And remember though they are your kids, they belong to the state, you can’t beat them enough, they will be sold sex through the media, adverts and fake education that strips away there survival instincts, ID card, passports, business licenses and TAXES.
Get fucked at your own risk.