MGTOW Anthem released

basheras lazima tuwataftie mabibi kabla mwaka ikatike.

Basheras don’t know what they are missing.

Maisha ya basheras huwa mzuri for two years that is after kupata job. Within the two years jamaa can engage in the many activities he ever wished for… anaboeka. After the two years anaingilia pombe na malaya na hivo tu anakula Mtu bure…

Well put. After campus and getting my first job I used to live life on the fast lane, kila siku ni sherehe ie lanyes na pombe.
I do not miss that life at all. Yes marriage has its own challenges, but the pros far outweigh the cons. I feel so much at peace and fulfilled, not the emptiness I used to feel as a bashera the morning after kupiga sherehe

Yes as a bashera there is that feeling of emptiness… Feeling moja mbovu sana.

Emptiness kitu gani? Can’t relate

Ujana bado nasumbua wewe

I’ve cohabited and I’ve been single, and I’ll pick the single life every damn time. Let me tell you why: I have more time for my hobbies (video games, working out, painting, and I want to start shooting at the gun range). My business has grown 127% because I have more clarity of mind after freeing myself of the relationship dramas. I’ve packed a decent amount of muscle on my frame. I get better and more frequent sex, with younger, hotter, wilder women. Wacha mimi niendelee kuwa bachelor. Mambo ya kushinda hapo na mwanamke akinisumbua akili, demanding my time and attention, taking me away from my hobbies, titrating sex, spending my money, always wanting me to take her shopping (lmao, I always see how miserable y’all married dudes look when you’re shopping at the mall with your wives) Hell no! It’s the free-agent lifestyle for me mate. I spend my time and money how I see fit without having to answer to anyone. Na nikitaka kutoa kutu I just call one of my FWBs, blow her back out, na anarudi kwake.

Hii sermon umecopy paste kutoka wapi? Red pillers kazi yenu ni kuregurgitate mambo ya US without critically thinking whether it applies to Kenya. I blame 8-4-4 for producing such mindless cramming drones

Say whatever you need to tell yourself to cope bruh, but this is my experience. Why don’t you go ahead and run a plagiarism search uone kama kuna mahali utapata mtu mwingine amesema chenye nimesema. You’re so used to a mediocre lifestyle revolving around shitty relationship dramas, pussy, and cow-towing to women that when someone speaks about their life it looks like fiction to you. Aren’t you the guy that spent over a million shillings fucking those fugly downtown prostitutes? See, mediocrity. Kijana, rise above the mediocrity that has been hard-programmed into you and you’ll be amazed at the things you can achieve as a man.

Says a man whose handle is tribute to the same pvssy he’s saying he’s not attached to

NVchieth kwanza kaa pale kando ujipanguze makamasi before uongeleshe elders