This current generation wako na shida. Sit down with a 18 year old and you will wonder what’s happening in the world.
To control the earth spiritually you must master the marine spirits, land spirits and airwaves spirits. These are the three terrains of spiritual warfare.
The air is the conduit of wavelengths which translate to airwaves and other radiations. The airwaves becomes the vehicle that transports sound in a certain region.
When the airwaves are hijacked, the atmosphere is automatically altered. A sustained atmosphere becomes a weather, a sustained weather becomes a climate and a sustained climate becomes a stronghold.
When atmospheres mature to climates and strongholds, that canopy dictates what grows and develop under it.
In kenya the ruling sound on the airwaves is sex and sensual secular sound, both music and conversations.
This has led to abuse of sex and 50% of highschoolers are sexually active, the rate of single mothers is at 34% with 6 out of 10 married women being at the risk of divorce by the time they are 45 with half a million abortions committed yearly.
Once the stronghold is broken and climate altered and a new atmosphere is put in place, we will see moral and spiritual changes.