So, there is this new behavior in town where men ask for services. They show up, get serviced and then disappear without a trace.
Honestly, this is immature. There are many ladies out there who would do it for free. But no, you walk up to the ones who have used shampoo on their hair and invested on quality perfume. If you know you can’t afford a product, just walk away instead of doing something stupid like this. These women are trying to earn a living. They are trying to feed their kids and maintain that classy standard you are looking for. If you are a lady and this has happened to you, sorry honey. And the men who have done this, may thunder and lightning strike you
Tell us more about your business ndio tui elewe from an escorts perspective badala ya kushinda iki whine hapa shenji
And don’t forget to clean our eyes
Labda ni jamaa ameweka hii story tu kutuenjoy hapa, lakini kaa ni kuro bas askize nimpe habari kidogo. Hehehehee…
I wish I could do the “I am feel like starting trouble” stunt kama @suspect alifanya on the Only In Uganda thread.
But all the same
Ati these women are trying to feed their kids…?!
Unazaa kifala unataka kulea watoto na kuma? Fala. Watoto iko na baba yao, haukuzaa na hewa…force the mongo to feed his kids ama kama ulimwibia tu sperm bila hiari yake fuk u shauri yako. Mwambie awafeed. Pia kama ulizaa na ng’ombe shauri yako. Heheheeeee
Quality perfume ni yako, ama unataka kukaa na chafu suit yourself. Usilaumu mtu kama umewaste pesa kwa perfume.