… What’s your guilty pleasure??
I’m teaching myself to keep off men who neither do the above things… According to my research men who drink or smoke are less likely to cheat than those who don’t.
I’m i wrong??
Blue handles ebu help me out.
… What’s your guilty pleasure??
I’m teaching myself to keep off men who neither do the above things… According to my research men who drink or smoke are less likely to cheat than those who don’t.
I’m i wrong??
Blue handles ebu help me out.
nimeacha pombe last weekend
Your research is warped…ama what was the sample size.
[SIZE=1]tujue mileage[/SIZE]
I neither drink nor smoke & I’m still a virgin.
Wewe uache pombe??
yes nataka nikuoe
No booze>>>no smoke>>>>>>>women. Kweli
I touch neither of those poisonous, Saitanic substances.
Freshly squeezed juice pekee.
Kwenda murefi
muzee kipara pewa juisss kwa bill yangu
You are old enough to be my [ICODE]dad [/ICODE]sponsor
Help! Somebody hacked my account and posted this thread
I think those who drink are easier to catch cheating earlier on due to carelessness and being clumsy with evidence i.e. drunk texts, calls etc. The teetotalers can maintain two or three families for more than ten years na hutajua. So I think their philandering is always nipped in the bud before it grows into a monster… even before he has sex with a chic whom he is chatting with. The teetotalers, when caught, inakuanga disaster. Unakuta hata mahari walishalipa huko kwingine pia
Being virgin doesn’t count
Muzinga ya Gibleys Tree Fruit Extract?
True a friend in campo discovered his father has a parallel family tukiwa 4th year.
That means you’ve already slept with four men, that’s according to your case study and I guess you used more samples so the number is likely higher
You asshole… Stay in your lane okay? Is it your vagina?? Schupit fool!!
kwani mjulubeng ya drinker ama smoker hukua imewacha stiffness nyumbani
Yeah that’s true. Teetotallers are very dangerous and unstable people because they do not have an outlet to vent. You know us men are poor aat handling our emotions most guys watakusho mimi huwa sijam yet akiuma ndimu anakuwa kama a gorilla analeta vurugu. So yeah, guys who have slight tendencies to stroke a bottle occasionally are for lack of a better word, safe. Msee hakunywi kwanza ni fisi mbaya sana because for him it’s a coping mechanism.