
  • once a prostitute infects you with malevolent spirits after sleeping with her, Your mental frame becomes broken, Your finances begin leaking unexpectedly, Your relationships become broken, Your life becomes shattered! Is that what you want?

“Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.”

I know most of you will abuse me and rattle, while others will rant and wail. But this is the TRUTH. NEVER GO FOR LOOSELY HANGING FRUITS!

Once you interact with this gender you will see they are all the same…money, money and more money. They all the same only that some are not straight forward, they prefer to pretend not to be.


In terms of finance lanye are cheap compared to so called side chick, i once had a side chick alikuwa ananyonya pesa kweli kweli, and karibu wife aniache juu yake…for me side chick is more risky.

Hapa mayo i agree side chick is your real high way to the grave both figuratively and literally…heri lanye 100000x…

Side chicks are proud suppliers, nothing more nothing less.
As a consumer I want reliability and efficiency