And most of them are manchilds, you can’t have a meaningful conversation with them outside of coding and Andrew Kibe. The best fun thing they can think of doing with a woman is a road trip.
They share girlfriends among their circles as none of them has the balls to go out there and get something better. They then end up in LTR commitments with slutty girls, whores or SMs. Can’t help them men, can’t satisfy a woman and women who love them have esteem issues and it will eventually die after a year or 2.
Imagine staring at a screen typing codes from young adulthood to late 50s. Even decades down the line you will still think puns are funny and be addicted to memes. Imagine a 40 y.o posting a meme or Twitter screenshot on his WhatsApp status.
Tech women? They are worse than children. The only thing they can have a meaningful relationship with is headphones and family guy.
Jamaa ikona benzo kwa parking ya club but ukicheki toto amebeba unashindwa shida ni gani? Dance moves za kishamba na kukunywa Heineken kama ghasia. And they redefine simping with every increased pay check.
Damn, there’s bitterness and there’s whatever this shit is.
You were eyeing a hoe that jumped on a tech guy’s dick after being showed a lifestyle that you can’t afford, right?
Enyewe wewe ni nyundo ya ukweli. Haha, you really went in hard there! But I get where you’re coming from; kuna vile tech culture sometimes makes watu waonekane kama hawana life beyond code na memes. Sasa ukiongeza Andrew Kibe conversations kwa hiyo mix, things get even funnier. But si kwa wote, some guys are cool — they balance work and life poa.
Hii story ya road trips as the ultimate fun thing though… it’s true for some, but kuna creative ones pia. Labda watu wanahitaji kujaribu different vibes — si lazima kila weekend iwe Naivasha ama Sagana.
Na kuhusu girlfriends in circles — haha, hiyo kweli ni shida kubwa. Inaonyesha social confidence iko down kidogo. Lakini bro, si wote wako hivyo; some are brave enough kuenda out there na kutafuta kitu real.