Well it’s been said before but men will always retort that women are bitter, Feminazi and post wall. How about when gey men say it? Are they also bitter, mananazi who are postwall. This here is a 50 plus year old man, who has everything but since his teens has never met a half decent guy even though he’s a catch, he’s got money, he’s got a beach body, perfect Johnny Bravo and his personality is really nice and calm just what most women like in a man , if he wasn’t gey I’d date him myself. I once told him all the decent people left on earth are women so if he ever hopes to spend his sunset years with someone he better become straight otherwise he will become bitter like most older women be they single or married as long as they kept being in relationships with men and always getting disappointed. The married ones are always in some kind of utopia for the longest but rude awakenings either send them to mathare or to ulcers, HBP and an early grave. Even cancer can be brought by stress. The best person to be with is Jesus bcz men are just full of shit. And this man knows it beyond the shadow of a doubt and he’s not the only one, go to any gey man’s channel. Nothing but machos. Welcome to the world women live in and we are still kind and upbeat and raise great kids, in spite of all the Curve balls thrown at us. Oh. I forget, we were made out of bone and men were made out of sand or soil. No man can persevere the things women deal with on the regular especially in relation to men. They lack the mettle. There’s a guy called J Harris also gey, he went through some heartbreak after being played by a guy he had moved into his house. Oh! He’s on YouTube, during some of his storytimes he spoke about riding the cock carousel like nothing, for a moment there during his breakup I was tempted to regurgitate the mgtow narratives that Mr. Harris rode the cock carousel in his 20s, his prime and was trying to lock down a beta mail now that he had hit the wall. And lemme tell you noone can be as vain as gey men when it comes to looks you gotta be young, fresh, hot as hell and super sexy. Once your sell by date is up too bad. Like gey men exhibit the worst qualities in men amplified to the umpteenth level. They are super de duper promiscuous. You just need to go to a bath house or a park at night, you will get all the free, unprotected sex you can stand without even seeing the face of who you are fucking or even exchanging pleasantries. Wrecklessness and debauchery at its best, just the way men like it. It’s man heaven. Don’t need to memorise a gazillion books on how to overcome resistance to sex in women and all kinds of emotional blackmail and abuse. If you are gey you just need to show up at a park at night, you will have all the sex you can stand, just for showing up. But I digress here is the video folks.
This man speaks alot of sense. He’s one of the few sensible gey men on the internet. Just check his videos on HIV and only Fans. Please don’t insult him, I like him. You have offended me by calling his content filth.