Men and Monogamy

OK. I know I shouldn’t be listening to gay folk but I like seeing how men react to the feminine position because gay men are still men at the end of the day but its hilarious when a man is in a woman’s position. Like did you see the one where he had sex in a car with a guy he met outside a barbershop like on the same day and the guy told him he just wanted sex upfront. And then men will say women are sluts but have you ever seen a gay man. Whoring is like default settings. They go to bath houses and parks just to have sex anonymously with strangers, what woman do you know who will go to a park at night to have sex with people she doesn’t know who are not paying her and using any protection. Upto 30 different random dudes unprotected sex a night. That’s how HIV bcm a pandemic in NYC. Gay men symbolize the true nature of men like if men woke up tomorrow with a woman’s body how they would behave and they show the double standards and hypocrisy in men really clearly. So you get to understand and see clearly how the anger men have toward women and the hyper criticism and contempt is actually a projection of what they hate about themselves. Like as a man I hate the fact that I can’t control my sexuality. My sexual urges control me. So I hate promiscuous women, I am hypervigilant of women’s sexuality bcz I am promiscuous and my sexuality is out of control so I focus my unconscious self hate to women. If you want male psychology watch gey men, gey couples, you will see the PROJECTION so clearly. Wale hawajui projection ni nini, I forget not everyone has a psychology degree like me. Google Psychological Defense Mechanisms. PROJECTION. I want you to look at how this man wants a monogamous relationship when essentially he is promiscuous and loves to have casual sex with different people some almost complete strangers. The video after this shows how he slept with a guy in a car whose name he didn’t even know. Now the same guy wants monogamy now that he is in his 30. Did someone say he’s tired of riding a cock carousel and has hit the wall, after being fucked by alpha males, he now wants a cuck beta male to offer him a lifetime commitment. Hii ndio ubaya ya kukuwa a person who thinks critically about things. You can see clear parallels in alot of things. As you can see the polygamous guy is the younger of the pair. As women have projected alot on us and we being receivers have internalized alot of projected male traits. For example promiscuity. Cock carousel pre wall behavior. These are male tendencies that are popularized by media owned by men. If media belonged to women. No one night stands with hot hunks while drinking and bar hopping would be glamourised. Women must detox themselves from patriarchal systems that are used to brainwash them so that men can take advantage of them. Glamorise Umalaya through drinking and clubbing and bf/gf relationships where premarital sex is a given so that men can have easy acess to women sexually then glamorize panic marriage, where women end up enslaved and at the mercy of men for life. Patriarchy sure is smart. Just not smart enough to fool everyone bcz God wasn’t checking genitals when He gave out brains.

i was thinking… one of these days I should seduce a woman, get her to take off her panties, then say “ama Wacha tu”


I can tell you have been binge watching this guy’s channel.What interests you most about the gay way of life??
Love may be blind but laws of nature dictate a cock is for the cat

He’s funny and he’s a very savvy business mogul. And I am a sucker for a man who makes me laugh. I watch alot of gay channels. They have alot of good advice if you can believe it and they are so comical. You could be dying of Corona and these guys will still make you laugh.


This is the best explanation of projection mgtow and red peels yall need to watch this