
Ndoa kukatishwa nayo lakini ma morio walio lazima wakule.

Aibu serves the man best iwe funzo kwake na wengine wenye nia kama yake. However, according to the marriage Act of 2015 I believe you can’t stopt a wedding six days to the wedding. For you to stop a wedding you need to put everything in writing and present it to the presiding minister. That is why wedding banns are read three times in church, this is to give room 4 such complaints.

Chakula haingeachwa

chakula iwachiwe nani? lazima guests wangekula

Huyu jama knows he has marriage scandals and goes ahead to have a church wedding. he should have just gone to the AG or the traditional way. Even the clergy that accepted to preside over the wedding failed the church.


cunt relate

That daughter on the issue of her varsity fee… If she is above 18yrs she ought to know the parental rights ends at that moment, you either work manual jobs like the rest of us who did and paid off our self through varsity without able parents.

Huyu mama anakaa fobe tuu , makali ! No man can relate .

You do realize that not everyone can "work"to save their lives? Wewe kama uliweza hio then well and good, sio wote wanaweza.