Membley estate

Its some breath of fresh air in a city overrun by apartments. Where the middle class can live their dream of a private house with own compound, not those communal apartments.

Huku si membley

Ziko on point.

Niwapi ?

Inakaa garden estate

Ni Membley. .

43M kwani wana kichaa? At that price uko na flat pale Roysambu inakuingizia good income

What do you want to do with your “own” compound? In your opinion, what do you see a the most significant value add?

I tell you

Are there any good schools nearby and other social amenities for such a hefty price tag ?

43 millions they are nuts!

Ni kama wanakamua watu wa diaspora

Membley and Kahawa Sukari are decent areas. Siri ni ununue plot ujijengee mansion.


43M nanua Acre 20 kitale nabaki na 33M nanua acre Mbili karibu na town najenga Bungalow nabaki na 25M ya ku invest.

Mko obsessed na hizi flats.

That first pic looks like a lawyers home I know

Where else in this city can you get a stand alone 5bdrm house sitting on 1/4 acre at 43m?

Membley ndio sisi shiny eye new money tunajenga Mcmansions

1/8 acre roysambu is 25m that is if there is any left. Kujenga add 40m total 65m on lower side.