Members Day

Uko wapi na unakamata nini? I have today decided to chill out with my local boys in Laikipia village pub. Serene and cool environment but baridi imefika. My pork butcher cutting my pork ribs and bacon pieces for barbecue later. Fuck Konyagi mitoto ya mbwa for this punitive bar closure at 7pm. Leo I wanted to throw a few bottles and keg jugs to my good friends here. But haisuru!

Sema uko in your natural habitat.

Ufukara ni kitu mbaya sana aisee.

Enjoy tycoon shifu, you have earned it.

Mbuta hao watu hapo juu wanakuambia nini?

Hapa ni El paraiso?


Thanks buddy

Le Paradiso

Ufukara iko wapi?