Meet your daughters’ needs or a sponyo will

Now that holidays are here , wazazi please be ready to buy your girls whatever their heart desires because if you dont Team Sponyo will.

I hope I can educate some of the ignorant (or those in denial) about sponsorship mamboleo. One of the hugest enablers of modern-day sponsorship is parents of young women - and here is how they do it. Most parents to young women are oblivious to the fact that girls today like to look and feel very cute, very early in life. By the time a modern girl is in her teens, she wants to use the top brand of lip-gloss and the latest designer perfume. Thanks to the world of Kardashians, she wants to wear the best of the trendiest in fashion. Now most parents (especially mothers) like to adopt some moralist tendencies and refuse to release budgets for what they like to label as the frivolities and trinkets of femininity. So all it takes is for some generous man to send some loose cash for the salon, or for the gloss and the journey into sponsorship begins.

So parents of girls need to get a handle on all elements of their daughters’ needs or else some sponsor will. The sponsor culture has morphed in the last couple of years to better fit into what we call market conditions. On one hand you have many beautiful young women who need periodic financial injections so that they can fit into today’s world. On the other hand you have middle-aged men, who have been neglected by their wives and who need their mojo uplifted by youth and beauty. This is a perfect combination but can go perfectly wrong if one of the said parties does not play by the rules. I must say that most of today’s sponsored girls feel no shame about their choices - they know that they are in it to make cash and good fortune. So unlike in the past, they no longer choose to stay quietly behind the scenes to enjoy the fruits of their illicit relationship. When these girls are not telling their possé of friends about how well they are fairing, they are posting their exploits on social media.
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Una chapa mtoto kama golf.

Sponyo atamlipia massage after we kumchapa

I believe that most of Kenyans purport that girls mature earlier than boys… On this premise, it stands to reason that a girl who has completed her secondary school education is an adult capable of making her own decisions…

If one of those decisions is being sponsored, I as a parent should support her fully… Kwani ni yeye mtoto pekee kwa nyumba?? As a parent niko na majukumu kwa siblings wenzake na the whole household…

If she decides to lighten my duties by being sponsored, well and good… Bt before she goes, I’ll tell her that decisions have repercussions and present her with the example of Obado…

If this does not scare her, then who am I to stand in the way of her looking very very cute… If I prevent her from being sponsored, she’ll just find a way to be sponsored … (forbidden fruits and all).

I stopped reading right there…This article is misleading.

Ukipata mtoto msichana unajua hio ni gharama thats why you ask for dowry for girls not boys. Enda uchukue loan mrembo angare na anunue Iphone sponyo step to her be like wah huyu sitawesmek jameni wacha nikatafute standard yangu. Kuwa mzazi ni majukumu if you dont want to be a fully responsible papi dont bcm a dad.

This is very simplistic thinking.
You will buy her all those fancy things she’s craving for and you will only have raised her standards higher.
So instead of settling for a dude wishing to buy her an iPhone, she will now go for the one likely to fly her for a weekend of leisure at the coast.
This is a lose lose situation.
Impress on her the need for good morals from a young age and if she chooses to ignore you will have at least tried.

Who takes parenting tips from gutter press?

I also wonder!

Malaya ni malaya ! most of those slay queens come from decent homes but just want the high life ! wacha wa lazwe !

Very irresponsible parenthood. You sound like the type of parents that leave their kids upbringing to domestic workers and teachers eti you have other majukumu. My fren, your primary jukumu is your child.

Myself I don’t need those cheap ‘tips on parenting’. Am @Eng’iti when it comes to a child’s discipline. There’s no compromise

Hapa umeongea kama paka tatu zinapiga plan ya kushika jerry Tom akiwa ndani ya mix.

Could not disagree with you more…Industry ya malaya is founded on absentee fathers…These girls grow up craving for attention from men and will do anything to feel appreciated…Not that mafisi are complaining…

If your daughter is a kunguru and she inherited your good looks, pole my fren. No amount of money can prevent her from getting sponsored. Kunguru ni kunguru tu, hata akiwa mtoto wako. Giving her money only raises the amount she is willing to settle for. Knowing that lazima kutakuwa na sponsor mwenye pesa kukuliko, you are doomed. I say give the girl just enough money for her to be comfortable, but don’t pamper. When you provide enough to make her comfortable, majukumu yako kama mzazi yaishie hapo.

I think we worry too much about the girl child.
If you raise them right, they will turn out well…We were also there and we turned out okay.

My main concern is my boy.
There’s rampant homosexuality going on in high schools and if he escapes that how do we raise him to be a MAN when all the boys around him are babied by new age parents? I want him to learn that if he wants a new PS game he has to work for it…he has to earn it.
I don’t want to gift him with a car at 23 and he has no fuckin clue how much insurance costs.
I don’t want him at home after college.
I don’t want him to manage my business or my accounts unless he has shown interest towards it and even then he will have to start at the bottom.

I don’t want him to disrespect women and neither do I want him to become a fuckboy.

I don’t want to push him into a career he doesn’t want and by gods if the job market is saturated, I hope he has my smarts and can find something worthwhile to do and not sit hopelessly in my house , eating my food and sneaking girls into his room.
And most importantly I want him to be the major caregiver in his house when he marries his woman, sure we have equality now and we do our part as women but there’s a certain pride and respect that comes with being the main provider and protector of the home. I don’t want someone to dress him,make decisions for him and control him like a Barbie doll because I will already have done that for 18 good years.

I fear for my son.

Slow clap…
Now that’s a real mother, a true parent speaking.

For your sake I hope the dad is there… All sons require a father figure…rich mums tend to spoil their sons too much…And those guys wako na umama mingi sana…I have a friend raised us such and its very disheartening…

this he will have done when in college. Naona unaogopa hii sana…[SIZE=1]any hekaya?[/SIZE]

Right there with you