Meet the best marksman in the RDU. Ruto has deployed him to Haiti to kill Barbecue

Huyu ndiye dawa ya Bandits pale North Rift. Akipiga risasi hakuna kubahatisha.

Mnyambo ya kodiaga

@Gaza and his fellow bandits :clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses:

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Hako kamzae mambo byad. Barbecue should be consulting a voodoo priest now. Unless amepelkwa huko to be expended…

A war is not a duel. Tulieni, msiwe disappointed if he doesn’t return

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Kama kuna kitu moja we don’t ever have to worry about … it’s the lack of expert marksmen within our ranks. I mean … to qualify to actively participate in a raid; you have to be a marksman. Yaani every fuckin bandit by the valley is an expert marksman. Check this out …at around 7 yrs old, kids get send out on hunting expedition with a single bullet each, cocked n loaded on their guns… if they take a shot at some small wild game or bird; it must be on target and a kill. No exceptions … otherwise the consequences of a miss can be dire. The idea is not to only make expert marksmanship out of them; but so they also understand the value and purpose of a bullet. We train them … to shoot to kill there is no in-between. Ask any security agent from whatever unit, specialised or not, that has engaged with us what it means to be caught in a firefight with rustlers bandits. Ask precisely about rustlers accuracy on target and what they (security agents) preferred options usually is. I will tell you; they almost always retreat, call for back up and air support, that predictably will arrive long after we vanished. Then they will start chasing and bombingshadows till they now refer to us as ghosts.