Meet a 44year old pedophile from Bungoma

This 44 year old man has been defiling a 16 year old girl from Netima in Bungoma county. His name is Prezda jofri wasilwa, a fake walubende producer. He lies to young girls that he works for Senate speaker Ken Lusaka. Below are screenshots of his chat with the young girl . As we speak he has gone into hiding in Uganda.

Stale and fabricated no evidence of the pregnant kid…what if it was a jilted lover

Sasa unataka tupost picha ya mtoto ana mimba hapa? SMH

Kuna watu na viatu. Kama hio stori ni ya kweli huyo jamaa ni maembe sana haki. Ati kunua pads? Panties? Huyo mtoto ako babake kweli?

The age of consent should be reduced to 15

@LIEN hii maneno ya kukula watoto wa shule utaacha

Somebody is fooling us here. Who captured the screen shots? It appears like somebody used another line and saved it as the guy and acted as if they were chatting with him! If that is not the case, then somebody stole 'Prezda’s phone. Why? If you see those blue double ticks. It means that the person you sent the message red it. And here the person whose message was read was the girl in question. So the screen captured is that of the so-called Prezda. Remove the name from your phone and let the phone show the mobile number of the so-called Prezda… This is a cheap set-up!!

Has the matter been reported to the authorities and investigation commenced?. If not, this is mere speculation.


Spoken like a true pedo .

Human brain only reaches maximum development at age 24 , but you want 15 based on what ? Size of their breasts ?

Smells like some fabrication. Hoi ni monologue.

Huyo jamaa ata yeye ni ngombe sana, anawezaje tomba mtu mwenye hawezi jinunulia pad’s :smiley: :smiley:

Nonsense. So according to you even under 24s are not yet mature enough to be ferked? 16 and above tunakamua kamu kamu.

kawaida ya jirani

16 ndio poa…

24? Are you fcuking the brain?

lets see how many pedos make their way to this thread

:D:D Ibaki at 18 tu . But as a man i know how easy it is to seduce underage girls , it’s nothing to be proud of .

Anyone that ferks with a kid’s education should be shot on sight.

huyo boy maximum ako 25 years