Hello all. I recently noticed I have these weird and random jerky movements in my arms almost all the time. One minute I am peacefully sipping tea in the kibandasky, the next I have spilled the tea all over myself. I have no idea what triggers them. In okuyu, we call them gwithirimukwo…… I thought they are normal but the recent increase irks me. Madaktari na wajuaji saidia tafadhali
enda hospitali
Hata hosi watafanya blood work. Enda usaidiwe. Anything you get here will be pure guess work
I think I’m too young for that. I think ina affect the elderly. Thank you for your input
Nataka tu Kuwa prepared psychologically. Nitaenda hii wiki. Staki kukufa
Do you drink pombe? Hii huonekana sanaa kwa watu wazima, haswaa wale wa chang’aa
In your case, ona dagitari
@Fala 12 peleka ndugu yako hospitali
Prepared psychologically for what?? From opinions you get??
For example nikikwambia ukona ukimwi or ni symptoms za kifafa??
I rest my case
That is
Sifikiri ni parkinson’s. Parkinson’s ni resting tremor, not when you are taking tea.
@fala_mjanja enda hospitali. Wachana na ktalk. To me it sounds like partial seizures, essential tremor, ballism, tic, etc. Enda ukaguliwe na daktari na labda eeg, ct scan/mri, etc
Not really. Perhaps I misused the words ‘Prepared psychologically’. Sande dada
Shukran Kaka…pewa like
Nikikuambia you are showing symptoms of Tourette syndrome then what?
Nenda hospitali. Hapa utaambiwa unywe mchuzi wa “3-day pregnant, female zeruzeru chameleon”.
Tea bug syndrome
Kukufa utakufa tu…enda hosi angalau usife mapema
Tourette? Kali. Arch/MBChB