That’s what i thought
That was a ridiculous statement from him. All those companies he mentioned prospered because of Kibaki but now that we have Moi 2.0 in office he has undone all the gains. I take it that he is a young man who doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Ours do!
We stayed in opposition 1992-2002 and we will go back there wakicheza !
Centro politicians know we’re hard nuts to crack, that’s why they want to return us to a parliamentary system which they can control!
Hehehe little knowledge is dangerous, kumbe wanasema liwe liwalo.
Excellent a
Excellent analysis i must say
Mayangai ulikuwa wapi, pewa ngumu mbili na miwa nitaripa
You would be surprised by my age. Maybe I was already voting by 1992 hehehe… So I know both Pre and post Moi intimately. You alleged that they prospered as Kenyans suffered in poverty. The Moi Regime started failing in the 1990s. As he fought to stay in power Goldenberg etc emerged. So at most in his 24yrs he had issues for 10yrs. Now tax revenues were like 160bn in those years meaning that even if they were rich the wealth available today vastly exceeds what was possible then. Today KRA collects a trillion and more. Meaning economic activity has exploded and continues to grow. My point is simple. Kenya is much bigger than those 3 families. And even if they are rich the economy is working FOR more people now than ever before. In your original post you made it sound like even now Kenyans sink into poverty as those 3 prosper. It is not the fault of Brookside that other milk producers are making losses. In the banking sector Equity is much bigger than CBA even post merger. Meaning that normal people can create wealth independent of the 3 families and dominate an industry. Kenya is 47m people. 3 families while powerful cannot run this country alone. Don’t exaggerate their influence is all I am saying.
What is undone? Show the facts Pre Covid. And go beyond rehashing SGR. There has been tangible economic growth even in the Uhuru years. Nothing is undone if anything alot has been solidified. Yes kuna ukora… But Goldenberg… Anglo Leasing are proof that corruption is in every regime. Show me the sectors that are failing using Pre Covid data. Covid is a once in a generation event and nobody can be held responsible. Don’t use the African “go to” of Age. Maybe I have been voting in Moi and post Moi elections… Huezi jua.
Never. Kyuks will not go to opposition. Hio haiwezekani. The upstarts will toe the line. And post BBI wherever the power sits the operator of that power will be a kyuk. Take that to the bank. How can you provide money and votes and then cede power? Hata kama ni wewe utaweza?
If you were a voter in 1992, then you do yourself a great disservice…
You’re wrong on so many counts I couldn’t possibly know where to begin.
For starters you need to look at the tax revenue pre and post moi, that would tell you that the difference was pocketed through tax evasion. The beneficiaries are some of those dynastic families, brookside ,E A Spectre and siginon freight.
Those family businesses like mugoya construction got government contracts at inflated rates, got incredibly wealthy, while kenya’s economy went to ICU.
To argue that if they prosper, we all prosper, is a false narrative to perpetuate the status quo.
Toe who’s line?:rolleyes:
That’s why I believe you were probably an idea in your parents mind back in 1992
Corruption exists everywhere even in the glorious kibaki years corruption was there. Anglo leasing comes to mind. And a host of others too. The post Moi tax collection was not a result of an efficient KRA. It was the result of an accommodative monetary policy that allowed access to loans to all sectors. The resulting increase in economic activity ended up with more collections. Tax evasion happens to date its not a preserve of the Moi Days. Even in Kibaki’s time evasion was there. You are deliberately ignoring the fact that it’s possible for non “brand” name folk to prosper now despite the dynasties. The power of the dynasties is not like before. Now they need to ensure Kenya runs well so that they prosper. A Kenya at war renders all land worthless. So owning 500k acres is pointless. The times have changed.
Toe the line of the current leadership. The decision makers in Central. And yes the Kenyatta family will play a big role in this. Hio haina vingine. Ruto shall not rule this country. Not in 2022 and likely not ever. Power shall not leave Central Kenya. That is a fact. Bankable fact. It may make you upset(not sure why) but its the way of democracy and our current state of social evolution and cohesion. Maybe in future the debate will be based on ideas. But in 2022 its tribal arithmetic at work and the results will be tribally based.
You ex Thurakus are a funny lot!
KANU is back. And its biggest cheerleaders were from Murang’a and Kiambu.
Prepare for a long life of stolen votes!
That’s why I’m said you must be very young!!
During the Moi error we kicked out anyone who dared to defect to kanu. We are the decision makers in Centro period!
You ought to know we kick out 80% of our leaders each election cycle .
We’re tired if Kenyatta and we want him home so hiyo power atafute kwingine!
You missed the point by a million miles!
Yup, with you guys being the cheerleaders and facilitators with BBI crap!
You guys just don’t “gerrit” we will always reject anything to do with RAT period!
We’re fine with being in the opposition as long as our MPs and governor’s votes are counted at the local level you can keep statehouse!
Hahaha which guys? FYI I hate Uhuru, Ruto and Raila. You Cendro pipo need to stop seeing the world in black and white. It’ll help out in the future.
Except NARC.
This is the part that tickles me the most. Hence why I made my first comment about people thinking their votes matter.
You are badly mistaken if you think that in 2022, you will still have the liberty to choose favourite MPs and Governors at local level.
Enjoy KANU 2.0 and years of poverty.
Now this is boring. We are still having discussions of liwe liwalo?now listen, for you to get to power you ought to have three cardinal pillars:
1.state machinery
2.state machinery
3.state machinery
People on the streets can never make you a president.
You are alone in that thought process. If the leader in statehouse hajui chenye anafanya your Governorships mean nothing