Especially if the mzee is in jua kali and older than her. His earning notwithstanding
Dawa ya bibi ni kutomba vizuri. A few days into your marriage make sure umetomba bibi adi apoteze mwelekeo kwa maisha. Panua kuma ikose taste, tomba matako yake na umwage kwa mdomo yake. Mimba zifuatane kila mwaka. Na ukae kimwanaume, bibi akikuuliza chochote usijibu haraka
Kuna exercise za pelvic muscles inafanya kuma inarudi tight. You cannot win when a woman akianza kuonyesha dharau. Best solution ni kuachana naye
Leta Hekaya kiongozi
Ukiweka yye mimba kila mwaka ni game over
I recently overheard of a certain incident involving my primary school teacher who went for further studies and left her husband after graduating from campus and getting promoted in her job
What happens to women in such cases ni she starts thinking she is better than you. She leaves and gets on the deek carousel but in the end they feel lonely and unloved. The by the time they realise they ferked up they have already hit the wall head on ingine ajab. Then she starts looking for the looser who tried to make her happy or the ex husband warudiane.
Exactly. Akianza madharau jua ulishapoteza “kiti”.
Sasa hapa ndio msee ana faa ku apply wisdom ya elders, usirudiane na bibi amekucheza na amaekutoka. Wachana na yeye. Atafunzwa na ulimwengu.
Ukirudia mwanamke kama huyu wewe ni ghaseer blalfakin
Keeping her busy na watoi ndio dawa…no man out here wants a lactating mother halafu kuna ile kasumba ya mtoi ataukua mgonjwa akikula nje.
Kama hesabu ya watoi haiwezi tomba yeye viproper and make sure she is never at 100%peace. A womans mind must have something to worry about at all times eg the prospect of you marrying a second a wife hata kama its not in your plan
hii ni poor mindset. Watu hujipanga, you dont expect to have children you cannot afford to maintain
Huwezi shindana na mwanamke sector ya madharau. Ni kujitoa tu.
ile ujinga Mimi husoma hapa. Ati to prevent a wife from straying, tomba yeye matako alafu umwage kwa mdomo…
Why would you impregnate a woman every year to prevent her cheating? Uko na finances ya kulea hawa watoto wote? Also, I know of a woman with 9 kids who’d cheat on her husband every chance she got and also kept treating the husband like shit.
People on here say things just because they can never take advice from a faceless chimpanzee
hii ni psuedo ya kapoti
Says who?
Wanawake have a patience of a crocodile. It may take 20 years with kids in tow and she abandons u at ur weakest. Uliza wakisii wenzako uko Minnesota vile wazee wanawachwa vumbistan kwa shida after years of slaving for the family.
Solution ni ukuwe na pesa or means to acquire. Madharau ni ngumu kama unajiweza.
Hypergamy haijui miaka ama watoto ngapi umesalisha yeye.Women wamejua hio kitu wanagawaa to any ninja gata akue mzae