Mbirrionea Stanley Githinguri now suffering from dementia. His kids have started the usual wars.

Mara Mworia has looted centum then this. Stanley Munga Githunguri was Jomo’s personal banker being the head of NBK and as such he had more access to urezzo than most Ministers. He was what you would call Jomo’s political grandson or political heir. And he is extremely wealthy.

In an interview he said that on the day Jomo died, they spoke by phone and Jomo told him , “Kuja unione saa hii!”

But Githunguri said that he had other pressing matters and will come later in the day. Jomo replied , “Shauri yako. Kama hukuji saa hii basi kaa!”

Githunguri built s massive palace on his similarly massive Ruiru farm but left it unfinished. Hoodlums started looting the place.

[SIZE=6]Tycoon Githunguri’s son to question him in property lawsuit[/SIZE]
Stanley Munga Githunguri. FILE PHOTO | NMG

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[li]Mr Githunguri’s daughters Lilian Joy Ngagaki and Lilian Wanjiru moved to court in April last year saying their father suffers from dementia and requires to be placed under urgent care.[/li][li]Justice Mugure Thande had allowed the application by the son in June but Ms Nyagaki moved to the Court of Appeal saying the court had found the former Kiambaa MP in contempt of court and risks arrest if he fails to appear as directed.[/li][/ul]

The son of billionaire Stanley Munga Githunguri has secured court victory to question him in a multibillion-shilling property row.

This is after the Court of Appeal dismissed an objection raised by Mr Githunguri’s daughters, seeking to block him from appearing before High Court judge for questioning as requested by Mr Joseph Munga, his eldest son. The disputed property has not been mentioned in the ruling.

Mr Githunguri’s daughters Lilian Joy Ngagaki and Lilian Wanjiru moved to court in April last year saying their father suffers from dementia and requires to be placed under urgent care.

Justice Mugure Thande had allowed the application by the son in June but Ms Nyagaki moved to the Court of Appeal saying the court had found the former Kiambaa MP in contempt of court and risks arrest if he fails to appear as directed.

In the ruling, Justices Asike Makhandia, Jamila Mohammed and Sankale ole Kantai said although the appeal was arguable, Ms Nyagaki had failed to convince them that the appeal would be rendered useless unless the ordered is granted.

Mr Githunguri, who once worked as a coffee picker in what is now Nyari and New Muthaiga up-scale housing estates, owns Lilian Towers, where Nairobi Safari Club sits and Ridgeways Mall and huge tracts of land in Kiambaa and Ruiru in Kiambu.

The Court of Appeal judges further said in the ruling that the issue of warrant of arrest was not indicated when the High Court judge made the order in June.

“The upshot is that the application dated 9th June, 2020 is without merit and the same is hereby dismissed,” the judges said.

Ms Nyagaki told the court that her father was of advanced age, is frail and ailing from a number of ailments including diabetes, blood pressure, and has undergone a kidney transplant. She also sought for the suspension of the proceedings before the High Court, pending the determination of the appeal.

Mr Munga opposed the application saying court order must be obeyed. According to him, the examination and presentation of the elderly tycoon will take place at his residence.

Mambo ya birrionaire wacha nayo. Ambia mamako aoshe kuma leo simtombi kama ananuka kama thegeree.

ile mingi itapotelea na wakora na lawyers

Now ameanza kupata karma ya wizi. Hio pesa yote itapotea tu hivyo

but isn’t the guy like 90 years old?

This is game of thrones, sibling rivalry over property.

Mimi nimeamua nikiwai kuwa tajiri, ntaificha kama siri. Nikikufa ndio watu watajua kumbe kulikuwa na kakiru mahali

Another great condom ad.

Hakuna haja…gawa pole pole watoto wakiongeza umri…miaka 5 tupitia mtoi ka 50m kwa account, akichapa 10 mpe ka 100mil, 15 mwekee ka 150m, 20 ka 200m…yote ikue accesible akichapa 21.
Akifika ka 18mdunge keja na fuel guzzler…aki beba tu p.y.t pia akuweke kwa budget umumunye something soft and tender.
Hata ukigo na wote umewajenga hivyo…hawatapigania ile imebaki vibaya sana.
My 2 cents.


African wisdom

As a true son of afrika,as you age,systematically give your children responsibility over your properties as you supervise them.Watch them how they behave and correct them.

Your secret will should just give them each what they were handling on your behalf.

Dont be in business until on your deathbed,delegate.

This is expected.
As usual Stano did not involve his kids in his affairs. Alikuwa mwanaume kamili who was to be worshipped by everyone especially his kids.
Towards the end ndio likely akaona hakuna hope ya kuwa immortal…as expected he had soft spot for some of the kids and hated others.
As expected akaanza kuleta favouritism thinking that he is dealing with 10 year old kids who are easily intimidated by his money. Kumbe watoi wako radar mbaya.
Now he has to be presented infront of a judge to case about his hard earned money.
Yaani you live the best life when young but when you get old and disabled everything goes to the dogs.

Dont do it. Ukipata mali keep your family close. Make them part of your life, let them have some emotional attachment to the wealth. Wacha wa benefit so that they can even grow it further. Otherwise they will totally abandon you during your old age and start fighting over your wealth when bado uko hai. Worst scenario is that they conspire and take you out.

You start giving your kids your wealth by the time they hit 21. After college they have a house and a small lump some. And then that lump some increases with age. By the time they are in their 30s, they have 80% of everything. The other 20% gets distributed until their deaths in case they start squandering like kids of Mzee Kibor. You can still maintain control using Trusts, but whatever property you have, goes to them. Hawa wazee wote ni bure kabisa. They just want raia to worship them as rich men, even into their 90s. For what? You came to this world with nothing, you will die with nothing.

Only person who I heard wisened up is one Paul Kobia who has his wealth(including his Riverside home) in his kids names. No hanky panky from strangers. At least 3 generations will enjoy his wealth.

Kwani hawa watoto hawawezi kujitafutia mali yao? After all hata wao wataacha hii mali duniani (Thinking aloud)

This is what my father is doing and you are right.

My father has been giving me and my siblings little pieces of land as we grow older. Pole pole. He watches how you handle it over some years and if you add to it, he adds another small peice. I find that very wise. I’ll do the same for my kids.

Then what’s the point of having children? Children come from the blessing of inheritance.

You see inheritance starts from God, the Bible. He taught us about passing on. He gives the earth to Adam, Adam bequiths the earth and his earthly property to his children and so on and so forth. Even children thenselves were considered a blessing , part of the wealth expansion. It was their birthright to inherit and expand. Getting blessings from one’s father was very critical as you see with Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing.

The whole country Israel was a blessing from God to Abraham. " I will make you the father of nations!"

Hata wewe ukiandikwa kazi, there is a father or mother figure blessing you with that salary so that you can rear young. Your parents and school teachers blessed you with knowledge, which is also considered inheritance. Education is inheritance. It is passed on to you!

Even birds inherit the trees left behind by their parents. And they defend their territory very strongly.

This applies if you have peasant parents but if you are wealthy then inheritance ni muhimu…you even inherit his business networks and name ndio you don’t have to start from scratch

Yote ni vanity.
Ooh, vanity ooh ooh.
Bila yesu ni Vanity oooh.

Spot on