Mbadi, Shollei, Mwashetani Positive

Majority of members who attended mp funeral positive. Tuwakumbuke kwa maombi especially Shollei.

What’s up with Sholei

Her boyfriend is a mzungu, possibly an Italian

Kila mtu na mzigo wake kwa mungu ama.huko.kwingine shauri yao

Shollei because she is a woman ama?

Fuck MPigs I hope all the infected die.


Go easy bro. Tusiwatakue mabaya kumbuka ya kwamba sisi raia ndiyo tuliowachagua.

i don’t wanna wish anyone death, lakini our politicians and high ranking bureaucrats are feeling uneasy, knowing very well they can’t fry out for treatment. Then wanaskia Borris Johnson yuko ICU.

They will still get the best available treatment in the country. Tafash ni kwetu.

Yes we chose them. What have they done with that trust we put in them? In my home county the governor has spent more than 45M building his official residence when it would have taken 15M to set up an ICU. Fact is these guys neglected public healthcare because they could always fly out of the country for treatment. They deserve to go through what so many Kenyans have gone through for decades. I have no sympathy for them.

we have other prayer items

That best , at times will not be timely to them, for there’re no facilities that have been reserved for them

Farah Maalim went to the chamber straight from JKIA after a trip to London till other mpigs raised a furore and he was asked to leave.
He could be a possible source.

Ungeandika tu kwa Kisapere. :smiley:

Lazima amekaguliwa side B.

This one hakuna mambo na best treatment…its either your body fights it ama unaondoka.

Hapo kwa flying out for special treatment ni msuri sana. This thing is an equaliser for all of us. BoJo is not in a private hosi…he is in our local NHS… Guys and St Thomases in South London.

I hope he will realise what the NHS means to a lot of folk when he talks to that dunderhead in the US. And I highly doubt that he is getting ANY special treatment because he is the PM. The Brits would be all up in arms. In any case we are wishing him a speedy recovery.

If you’re expecting a throughpass kwa mzungu from Sholléi, you’re in for a long long wait.
You’re better off waiting for GODOT.


Lakini I hope in real life wewe sio wale wa kuingia ofisi afte na ku announce very confidently , “Good iffining me ferrow workmates? I will be frying out abload this weeked. Does any of you ferrows require any ngifts or ngoonds from Shaina?”